Software System Testing
Software System Testing
1. TESTING FUNDAMENTALS ............................................................................. 1
1.1 TESTING INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 2
1.2 TESTING MYTHS ............................................................................................ 4
1.3 A BRIEF TESTING EXPOSÉ ............................................................................. 5
1.4 PURPOSE OF TESTING ................................................................................... 7
1.5 WHY EXHAUSTIVE TESTING IS NOT POSSIBLE ................................................ 8
1.6 UNDERSTANDING SOFTWARE DEFECTS......................................................... 11
1.7 COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH TESTING AND DEFECTS......................................... 12
1.8 RISKS-BASED TESTING ................................................................................ 18
1.9 CAREERS IN SOFTWARE TESTING ................................................................. 21
2. TESTING PROCESSES................................................................................... 23
2.1 THE TESTING PROCESS ............................................................................... 24
2.2 KINDS OF TESTING....................................................................................... 27
2.3 TESTING STRATEGY..................................................................................... 33
2.4 TEST PLANS................................................................................................ 40
3. BLACK BOX TESTING.................................................................................... 42
3.1 PURPOSE OF BLACK-BOX TESTING ............................................................... 43
3.3 BLACK-BOX TESTING TECHNIQUES ............................................................... 46
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3.4 BLACK BOX TEST COVERAGE METRICS..........................................................74
3.5 TEST ORACLES ............................................................................................75
3.6 TRUE ORACLE..............................................................................................76
SAMPLING ORACLE ................................................................................................76
3.8 HEURISTIC ORACLE......................................................................................77
4. TESTING INFRASTRUCTURE.........................................................................79
4.1 TEST ENVIRONMENTS...................................................................................80
4.2 TEST DOCUMENTATION.................................................................................84
4.3 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT AND CHANGE CONTROL.................................89
5. WHITE BOX TESTING .....................................................................................92
5.1 PURPOSE OF WHITE-BOX TESTING................................................................93
5.2 STATEMENT, BRANCH AND PATH COVERAGE .................................................94
5.3 LOOP TESTING ...........................................................................................102
5.4 BRANCH CONDITION TESTING .....................................................................104
5.5 WHITE-BOX TECHNIQUES CONCLUSIONS .....................................................107
5.6 COMPLEXITY METRICS................................................................................108
5.7 LINES OF CODE ..........................................................................................108
6. INCIDENT TRACKING....................................................................................111
6.1 PURPOSE OF INCIDENT TRACKING ...............................................................112
6.2 INCIDENT TRACKING ACTIVITIES ..................................................................112
6.3 INCIDENT LIFE CYCLES ...............................................................................117
6.4 INCIDENT STATUS REPORTS........................................................................118
7. AUTOMATED TEST TOOLS..........................................................................129
7.1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................130
7.2 TYPES OF TESTING TOOLS..........................................................................131
7.3 AUTOMATED TEST EXECUTION....................................................................132
7.4 TEST CAPTURE/PLAYBACK TOOLS...............................................................133
7.5 WHY TEST AUTOMATION.............................................................................134
7.6 REGRESSION TESTING................................................................................135
7.7 WHAT TO AUTOMATE..................................................................................136
7.8 EFFICIENCY OF AUTOMATED TESTING..........................................................138
7.9 PROS AND CONS OF AUTOMATED TESTING ..................................................140
7.10 ADOPTION PROCESS ..................................................................................142
7.11 AUTOMATION READINESS............................................................................143
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8. TEST MANAGEMENT ................................................................................... 145
8.1 COMPOSITION OF THE TEST GROUP............................................................ 146
8.2 ESTIMATING EFFORT AND COST ................................................................. 148
8.3 SCHEDULING ACTIVITY............................................................................... 149
8.4 MONITORING PROGRESS............................................................................ 151
8.5 ALLOCATING RESOURCES .......................................................................... 153
8.6 TEST COMPLETION CRITERIA...................................................................... 154
FURTHER READING ........................................................................................... 155
INDEX................................................................................................................... 159
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
1. Testing Fundamentals
¨ introduction to software system testing
¨ testing myths
¨ testing expose
¨ why exhaustive testing is not possible
¨ sources of software defects
¨ costs associated with testing
¨ risk-based testing
¨ testing careers
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1.1 Testing Introduction
Testing is all about finding defects in a system.
{ XE "defect:impact" }The impact of defects can be far reaching
· In critical systems (e.g. mission-, security-, safety-, financially-,
environmentally-critical) the impact of defects and the failures they cause
can be catastrophic
Noteworthy examples include
- London Ambulance Service
- Ariane 5
- Therac 25
- Year 2000
· Even for non-critical system, significant impact can result from disgruntled
- Intel floating point
Testing is primarily a defect detection mechanism{ XE "defect:detection" }, its
purpose is to find defects that are already in the system.
Testing must also be balanced with defect prevention { XE "defect:prevention" }within
the development process, its purpose to prevent defects being introduced in the first
place. Defect prevention techniques include building prototypes, performing reviews
of the code.
In testing, the number of bugs discovered is always proportional to the number of
bugs left in the system, e.g. defect removal ratio of 80%.
To remove a greater proportion of defects will require exponentially increasing effort.
Target of 100% defect removal is not feasible.
Testing is more than just running a few tests to see if the application is alive. Testing
involves developing hundreds and in some cases thousands of test cases to test an
application comprehensive. Testing is more than just running test cases, it involves
significant effort and coordination:
· prior to testing, when planning and designing the tests to run
· following testing, when recording the results of tests
I dealt with one person who thought that you should be able to test a system with two or three
test cases. There was 30 seconds of stunned silence when I said in many cases my clients had
developed many thousands of test cases and in one case had spent more than 20000 hours
testing their application.
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1.1.1 Goals of Course
· How to define a test strategy for your project
· How to carefully design the tests for your system
· How to build a test environment
· How to track defects to ensure they are resolved appropriately
· How to choose and adopt automated test tools
· How to manage testing resources
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1.2 Testing Myths
Testing is mind-numbingly boring – appropriate for trained gorillas
Not necessarily, replaying tests yes. Designing effective tests is quite analytical,
automated test bed creation even more analytical.
{ XE "defect:zero" }Testing is used to show a system has zero defects
Cannot show that the system is free of defects, only that it contains defects
No method (including formal proof) can show zero defects, as we can never
safely assume a set of requirements is correct. At best we can verify against
Testing is best done once the system is in the field and being used.
The { XE "defect:cost" }costs of fixing defects is significantly more expensive than
finding and fixing them by testing.
Tests need only be run once or twice.
Tests will be repeated many times.
Tests need to be repeated after changes are made, as even minor modifications
can lead serious defects being introduced.
Some testing processes will repeat the same test many times before the system
is commissioned, e.g. system test, factory acceptance test, site acceptance test.
Programmers can do all the testing, after all they are they ones that wrote the
Testing done by programmers can often be too subjective, and can have
emotional attachments to their own code.
{ XE "test teams:independent" }Testing done by testers independent of the
developer of the code often take a fresh view of the code.
Developers quite often carry incorrect design assumptions across into the
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1.3 A Brief Testing Exposé
Is this the way you approach testing.
Consider the simple calculator.
The developer writing the code for the calculator decides to start testing after
producing a first cut.
The tester starts with the addition operation:
1 + 1 = 2
1 + 999 = 1000
and so on.
everything seems to be going well!
When testing subtraction the user finds they have not considered subtraction that
results in a negative number.
1 – 999 doesn’t come out to –998
The developer goes in a fixes the code, and adds negative numbers.
The go back and retest
1 – 999 = –998
and then other cases they haven’t considered so far.
Once the system is in operation a user discovers that calculator does not support the
first operand of addition having a negative value. If we’re lucky the system crashes,
a worse case scenario is that the incorrect result goes unnoticed and causes other
downstream problems.
It has been some time since the developer last looked at the code. They finally track
down the cause of the problem. The defect is that the addition logic is not
conditional on whether the result in the accumulator is positive or negative.
The problem has cost the user in wasted time and frustration to discover there was a
problem with the calculator and not with slippery fingers. It may have cost the user
financial damages through down-stream problems. The problem has cost the
developer, there is the time to interpret the users cryptic account of what is going
wrong, the time to trace the problem back to the defect being in the addition function.
There is also the cost of the developer having to send out patches to all users to
correct the problem, and the lost credibility that comes with public bugs.
The problem went unnoticed as after the logic was initially updated to include
negative numbers in the accumulator, but the other operations were never retested
to determine if they worked correctly. Retesting is not feasible as no documentation
was completed initially, and the effort to redesign the test is excessive.
In any event, it would be unlikely that the initial tests might have picked up the
problem, as the initial specifications for addition did not include negative accumulator
values. Without documentation of the test carried out it is difficult to determine what
has been tested and what additional tests should be provided to test new areas of
There is a fair chance that a specification for the calculator functions would not have
existed. In this scenario it would be difficult to determine what to test and what
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represents correct operation, e.g. a specification should have stated what are the
ranges of possible values to the addition function and what are values that could
constitute test cases.
In the above scenario, testing is ad-hoc, ignoring any logical approach or method.
During this course, we strive to replace this approach with one that makes testing
more effective and efficient.
After they correct the discovered problem, how will the user go back and test before
reissuing the calculator to the users??? Most developers don’t learn from their
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1.4 Purpose of Testing
{ XE "testing:purpose" }Many long-winded arguments as to whether testing is to find
bugs or demonstrate correctness.
The most logical viewpoint is that testing is to find defects.
“Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors”
Glen Myers
Many have proposed that testing is to demonstrate the system is correct.
“Testing can only prove the presence of bugs, never their absence”
E. W. Dijkstra
Testing is the process of discovering errors in a software system. Testing success is
finding an error, the more critical the more successful we are. Not finding an error is
theoretically a failed test case.
The role of the tester is to protect their organisation from releasing software that is
defective. However, as the tester cannot prove that there are no defects, their job is
to attempt to find defects and provide them as evidence that the software is faulty.
Somewhat like the justice system – innocent until proven guilty.
Based on the evidence provided by the testers, it is up to management to decide
whether they can live with the level of identified defects, or to postpone release until
the defects are resolved.
As we cannot prove the system correct, management may question why test at all if
we are only going to find defects. The reason is that it is more economical to test to
find defects than it is to “risk it ” and fix the defects as they are discovered by the
{ XE "quality assurance" }Testers are quite often grouped in with Quality Assurance.
This is not appropriate, as quality assurance is looking at improving the whole
development process to make it run more smoothly and effectively. Testers are
more used by quality assurance as quality control{ XE "quality control" }, to check that
certain levels of quality are observed as a result of improvements that have been
made to the process.
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1.5 Why Exhaustive Testing is NOT Possible
{ XE "testing:exhaustive" }Many managers will propose that a software system should
be tested for all combinations to prove that the software works.
This is not possible as the number of combinations supported in nearly all programs
can be considered, for all practical purposes, infinite.
A comprehensive discussion of why it is impossible to test software for all
combinations, the reader should refer to [Kan96c]. Here we provide a few examples
as to why exhaustive testing is not feasible.
1.5.1 Can’t Test All Inputs
Consider the calculator that takes an signed 10 digit number as input (for one
There are 1010 positive inputs and 1010 – 1 negative inputs for the one parameter that
constitute valid inputs for the first operand. Finite but very large.
However the tester must also consider invalid inputs. What about handling of
alphabetic characters typed from a keyboard. What about if the number is in
scientific notations, what about if it was an expression (e.g. 1 + 52). All of a sudden
we are dealing with potential infinite possibilities for the one input.
It gets worse when there are multiple inputs, as it is a combinatorial explosion. Say
there were n inputs with m possible values for each input, there are mn combinations
of inputs. For instance, 3 inputs, each with (not many) 1000 possible values = 1
billion combinations of input.
1.5.2 Can’t Test All Timing
Some systems respond to timing issues. For example, on my mobile phone if I delay
pressing a key when entering a text string, the entry will move to the next character
position to be entered rather than scrolling through the available characters for this
When testing with timing it is impossible to test for all possible delays, as time is
continuous, i.e. between any two points in time there is always another point that
could be chosen
1.5.3 Can’t Test All Paths
Some people may argue that you can test just the paths of a program to overcome
the problems above.
Refer to program structure below.
Plot all paths by beginning at START and finishing at END. At X can either go to
END or loop back to A up to 19 times.
5 paths from A to X:
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Only performing a single iteration, i.e. not returning along loop at X, results in 5
Two iterations of the decision logic, i.e. returning along loop at X the first time only,
results in 25 paths (5 the first x 5 the second).
Three iterations of the decision logic has 25 = 53. If the decision logic is executed 20
times then there are 520 paths.
All combinations of loop options results in 5 + 52 + 53 + ... 520 = 1014 (100 trillion)
The logic above is quite often found in straight-forward programs. For example, it
can be as simple as a program that reads up to 20 records from a data file, stopping
Loop up to 20
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if it runs out of records, and processing each record read according to it satisfying
particular conditions.
Count := 0;
Count := Count + 1; A
READ Record
IF Record <> EOF THEN B
IF ShortRecord(Record) THEN D
/* Short Record */
IF EarlyShortRecord(Record) THEN E
ProcessEarlyShort(Record) G
ProcessLateShort(Record) H
/* Long Record */
IF EarlyLongRecord(Record) THEN F
ProcessEarlyLong(Record) I
ProcessLateLong(Record) J
WRITE “EOF Reached” C
UNTIL Record = EOF OR COUNT > 20 X
If you could write, execute and verify a test case of each path of this simple program
every second, it would take more than 3 million years to complete the tests.
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1.6 Understanding Software Defects
{ XE "defect" }Kaner, Falk and Nguyen [Kan93a] describe 13 major categories of
software defects:
· User interface errors – the system provides something that is different from
· Error handling – the way the errors are recognised and treated may be in error
· Boundary-related errors – the treatment of values at the edges of their ranges
may be incorrect
· Calculation errors – arithmetic and logic calculations may be incorrect
· Initial and later states – the function fails the first time it is used but not later, or
· Control flow errors – the choice of what is done next is not appropriate for the
current state
· Errors in handling or interpreting data – passing and converting data between
systems (and even separate components of the system) may introduce errors
· Race conditions – when two events could be processed, one is always accepted
prior to the other and things work fine, however eventually the other event may
be processed first and unexpected or incorrect results are produced
· Load conditions – as the system is pushed to maximum limits problems start to
occur, e.g. arrays overflow, disks full
· Hardware – interfacing with devices may not operate correctly under certain
conditions, e.g. device unavailable
· Source and version control - out-of-date programs may be used where correct
revisions are available
· Documentation – the user does not observe operation described in manuals
· Testing errors – the tester makes mistakes during testing and thinks the system
is behaving incorrectly
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1.7 Costs Associated with Testing and
For a detailed discussion of tradeoffs between quality costs see [Kan93a] or
1.7.1 Software Development is Likely to Fail
{ XE "risk:project" }Previous software development projects have a high risk of failure
to deliver on-time and within budget.
In 1994, the Standish Group examined 8380 Industry Software Project
Developments to identify the scope of software project failures. They found that 53%
were "challenged" (cost overruns, late delivery and/or missing capabilities); 31%
were canceled during development; and 16% were successfully completed (ontime,
within budget, full capability).[KR1]
[Source: NASA IV&V Web pages -]
For large companies:
· 9% were successful
· 61.5% were challenged
– Over-budget by 178%
– Late by 230%
– Missing 58% of capabilities
· 29.5% cancelled
Project Success Rates
C anceled during
Biggest causes of non-success
· Incomplete and changing requirements
· Lack of user involvement
· In budget
· On time
· Meets requirements
· Users involved · Over-budget by 189%
· Late by 222%
· Missing 39% of
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1.7.2 Costs of Testing
{ XE "cost:testing" }
Defect Prevention Costs Defect Appraisal Costs
· Staff training
· Requirements analysis
· Early prototyping
· Fault-tolerant design
· Defensive programming
· Usability analysis
· Clear specification
· Accurate internal documentation
· Evaluation of the reliability of
development tools (before buying them)
or of other potential components of the
· Design review
· Code inspection
· Glass box testing
· Black box testing
· Training testers
· Beta testing
· Test automation
· Usability testing
· Pre-release out-of-box testing by
customer service staff
Many attribute the cost of testing to be around 25% of the development cost. Some
projects will allocate testing resources where the cost can be as much as 80% of the
development budget (for reasons discussed below).
1.7.3 Costs of Defects
{ XE "defect:cost" }Especially for software developers the costs can be extensive:
· Technical support calls
· Preparation of support answer books
· Investigation of customer complaints
· Refunds and recalls
· Coding / testing of interim bug fix releases
· Shipping of updated product
· Added expense of supporting multiple versions of the product in the field
· PR work to soften drafts of harsh reviews
· Lost sales
· Lost customer goodwill
· Discounts to resellers to encourage them to keep selling the product
· Warranty costs
· Liability costs
· Government investigations
· Penalties
· All other costs imposed by law
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Internal Costs External Costs
Internal Costs
· Bug fixes
· Regression testing
· Wasted in-house user time
· Wasted tester time
· Wasted writer time
· Wasted marketer time
· Wasted advertisements
· Direct cost of late shipment
· Opportunity cost of late shipment
External Costs
· Wasted time
· Lost data
· Lost business
· Embarrassment
· Frustrated employees quit
· Demos or presentations to potential
· customers fail because of the software
· Failure when attempting other tasks that
can only be done once
· Cost of replacing product
· Cost of reconfiguring the system
· Cost of recovery software
· Cost of tech support
· Injury / death
At a recent meeting somebody was telling us about an electronic circuit he had developed to
regulate voltage supplied to light bulbs on (waterway) navigation buoys for the Queensland
Government. He mentioned that through the use of solar power, the voltage would often
oversupply the light bulbs and they would tend to burn out much quicker.
The issue was the cost of light bulb replacement was extremely expensive, in the order of
$12,000 per light bulb, due to the need for a vessel, staffing, and means of recovery of the
navigation buoy.
Similar costs can be attributed to maintenance in software projects, and it quickly becomes clear
how immediate costs of testing can result in significant downstream savings through reductions
in maintenance.
$200 $500
Relative Cost to Fix Error
Analysis Design Code System Test Installation
Phase In Which Defect Was Detected
Relative Quality Cost vs. Lifecycle Phase
Summary from IBM, GTE, and TRW
cost survey [Boe76a]
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Boehm’s cost studies [Boe76a] reported that, for one Air Force computer:
· initial software development costs were $75 per instruction
· maintenance costs were $4000 per instruction
{ XE "cost:relative" }Studies by Martin and McClure [Mar83a] summarised relative
costs at each development stage, as shown in the following chart. In this study,
testing accounted for 45% of the initial development costs. Testing is also an
integral part of maintenance as well, but this has not been isolated.
1.7.4 Balancing the Costs
{ XE "cost:relative" }See figure below. Feigenbaum (1991) estimated that the typical
company spends 5 to 10 cents of every quality cost dollar on prevention, another 20
to 25 cents on appraisal, and the remaining 65 to 75 cents on internal and external
failure costs.
Typical Quality Cost Dollars Allocation
(Feigenbaum 1991)
Internal /
Relative Cost per Development Stage [Mar83a]
Operations and
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Need to balance the costs, so that excessive amounts are not drawn by
internal/external failures. The way to do this is to compare the cost of removing
defects in relation to fixing the defects that remain in the system.
As soon as it becomes more expensive to test for the defects than it is to correct
them afterwards, then it is time to cut down on testing – usually you will be spending
a substantial sum on testing before this becomes the case.
Defects can be assumed to have a fixed cost, therefore the total cost of fixing defects
increases linearly on the number of defects left in the system.
Testing effort, however, increase exponentially in relation to increases in proportion
of defects removed. A goal of 100% defect removal is infeasible, as exhaustive
testing is not possible (as discussed previously)
These costs could be plotted on a graph as shown in the figure below. The total
defect repair cost reduces linearly as the proportion of defects remaining is lowered,
whereas the cost to test to remove defects increases exponentially as the proportion
of defects removed increases.
This graph would need to be correlated against your own cost allocations, based on
experience and estimation, or internal measurements and data analysis.
The point at which the two lines cost is the breakeven point. Prior to this point
For projects that higher criticality, the defect cost is increased, which indicates more
resource can be allocated to achieve a higher defect removal proportion. See figure
Testing Effort vs. Failure Cost
Defect Reduction Ratio
Cost Under
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Test Effort vs. Failure Cost (Varying)
Defect Reduction Ratio
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1.8 Risks-Based Testing
{ XE "risk-based testing" }As pointed out in earlier sections, it is impossible to test
everything. Furthermore, testing must be carried out within limited budgets and
{ XE "risk:prioritise" }Whenever there is not enough time and resources to test
everything, decisions must be made to prioritise what is tested.
To prioritise we must decide what are the most important parts of the system (those
parts that have greatest impact if not operating correctly).
To prioritise testing we compare risks of system failures: the likelihood of incurring
damage if a defect in the system causes the system to operate incorrectly or
Defect { XE "defect" }A specific cause of a failure, e.g. incorrect
parameters to write pay-cheque function call.
A defect can also be called a bug, error, fault
Failure { XE "failure" }Inability of the system to perform its intended
function, e.g. prints pay cheques with the wrong value
Risk { XE "risk" }The chance of incurring a certain cost over a
given period resulting from a failure
Risk is a product of a failure’s:
· severity of impact
· likelihood of occurrence
For example, a 50% chance of issuing cheques that total
more than a $1M in overpayment during the lifetime of the
To prioritise testing of the system based on risk, the tester must break the system
into the smaller components, and then determine the risk of each component. Those
components with higher risk receive higher priority for testing, those of lower risk
receive lower priority.
The tester can arbitrarily designate what the components of the system should be, as
it is merely a way of focusing testing effort on particular areas. For example, they
may be functions of the system, or even subsystems of the overall system.
1.8.1 The Risk Matrix
{ XE "risk:matrix" }Risk is the product of severity of impact and likelihood of
· Severity represents the impact and cost incurred when the failure is encountered
· Likelihood represents the probability that the failure leads to detrimental impact.
It is a combination of the probability of the problem being present in the system
(which could be based on the confidence of the correctness of the system) and
the probability that when the failure occurs the impact and cost is realised (which
may be dependent on other external events occurring).
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The highest risk areas are those with highest impact severity combined with highest
likelihood of occurrence. Whereas, the lowest risk is lowest severity combined with
lowest likelihood of occurrence.
Risk levels can be graded proportionally according to increases in severity and
It is easiest to think of the combination of severity and likelihood to derive a risk level
as a matrix.
Likelihood Very High High Low Very Low
Very High A A A B
High A B B C
Low A B C C
Very Low B C C C
Each subcomponent can be assigned a risk level according to the risk matrix. For
example, a subcomponent is associated with failures of very high likelihood and
impact can be assigned risk level A.
The risk matrix provides the basis for prioritising tests.
· Testing should first focus on class A risks: those with highest likelihood and
· If time permits, after class A risks, attention should be given to class B risks
· In tight schedules and budgets there probably will not be time to test class C
1.8.2 Breakdown of Risk-Based Testing
According to Collard [Col97a], the breakdown of test cases using risk-based test
priorities fall into three categories:
1. Critical test cases, that have reasonable probability of finding major defects.
Typically contains 10-15% of all likely test cases.
2. Important test cases, that are not critical, but still worth the effort if time and
resources are available. Typically contains 15-25% of all likely test cases.
3. Low-yield test cases, that have very low probability of finding significant errors.
Typically contains 60-75% of all likely test cases. These cases are not worth the
effort if time and resources are scarce.
Collard further reports that Bell Communications Research applies risk-prioritisation
to testing, and concluded that the most important 15% of test cases find over 75% of
the defects.
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1.8.3 Allocating Effort According to Risk
{ XE "risk:effort allocation" }With tight schedules and resources, the amount of effort
required to establish test coverage for the proposed error should also be taken into
account. Test coverage levels may be allocated according to the level of risk and the
level of effort required, as shown in the following tables.
{ XE "coverage:risk" }Coverage with generous schedule and resources may be
allocated according to the following table:
Test Cost
Risk Low Medium High
A 100% 85% 70%
B 50% 40% 30%
C 30% 15% 0%
Coverage with limited schedule and may be allocated differently, such as according
to the following table:
Test Cost
Risk Low Medium High
A 85% 60% 40%
B 40% 25% 0%
C 15% 0% 0%
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1.9 Careers in Software Testing
{ XE "testers:career" }In the past testing has been considered an additional task
performed by the developers, and had very little emphasis applied to it as a skill.
Testing is now recognised as a profession, that requires substantial experience and
professional training. Due to increased demand for software quality, testing is
establishing itself a very healthy career path, commanding high salaries.
1.9.1 Skills in Demand
{ XE "testers:skills" }What employers are looking for (see attachment of recent
positions vacant clippings)
· General: Strong analytical focus; Good communications; QA background
· Methods experience: Development of test plans; Creation and maintenance of
test environments; Test standards; Test documentation (e.g. test cases and
· Testing approaches: Integration; Acceptance; Stress/volume; Regression;
Functional; End-to-end; GUI
· Market: Banking/Finance; Shrink Wrapped/Commercial Products; Telecomms;
Internet; Year 2000
· Test tools: Capture/playback tools (e.g. SQA; WinRunner); Load testing tools
(e.g. LoadRunner)
· Environment skills: Mainframe (e.g. MVS, JCL); Client/Server (e.g. Win/NT,
· Application skills: Documentation (e.g. Office, Excel, Word, Lotus Notes);
Database, (e.g. Oracle, Access, 3GL, 4GL, SQL, RDBMS); Programming (e.g.
C/C++, VB, OO)
Collard [Col97a] proposes that testers skills fall into three groups:
· Functional subject matter expertise
· Technology base
· QA and testing techniques
ACS Source Newsletter
An article in the ACS (Queensland) “Source” newsletter reported that in the period
April to June 1998
Testers were the highest increase of IT positions from same period from
previous year (144% increase)
Partly this is due to the Year 2000 problem, but I perceive that a significant
change in perception of software quality is taking place.
1. Testing Fundamentals 22
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
1.9.2 Personality of Testers
{ XE "testers:personality" }Positive attributes
· Planned, systematic and meticulous – logical approach to testing
· Crusader – like to set high standards for the project
· Persistent – don’t give up easily
· Practical – realise what can be achieved in limited time and budget
· Analytical – take and intuitive approach to digging up errors
· Moralist - strive for quality and success, recognise the costs of poor quality
Negative attributes
· Little empathy for the developers – don’t realise the emotional attachment
developers have with their “offspring”
· Lack of diplomacy – create conflict with developers with ”in your face” attitude.
Testers offer cheer in the developers presence when the find a defect, and follow
that up with quotes of defect statistics and bug counts.
· Skeptical – take developers information with a grain of salt
· Stubborn – immovable on some proposals
Many developers run and hide from testers when they spot them in the corridor:
· Believe they are going to be hassled about a problem
· Afraid to discuss issues regarding their current development in case it is later
used against them
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
2. Testing Processes
¨ software testing and software development processes
¨ kinds of testing
¨ test strategy and planning
2. Testing Processes 24
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
2.1 The Testing Process
2.1.1 The Traditional Lifecycle
{ XE "development lifecycle:traditional" }Traditional to leave testing until after the coding
has been done and their are executable components available to test.
Problems with approach is that testing is being left to too late in the process.
· Simply designing the tests provides insights into the system that often discovers
bugs before the tests are run
· Usually the phases up to coding will overrun (85% of software projects are
delivered late or not at all). In this scenario there will be pressure to get the
product out of the door as soon as possible after coding. The schedule pressure
then placed on testing will usually lead to failure to complete an adequate test.
2.1.2 Parallel Testing Lifecycle
{ XE "development lifecycle:parallel testing" }Only test execution needs to wait until after
coding. Testing planning and test case design can occur in parallel with
development. The act of planning and designing the tests to be applied will discover
bugs, e.g. confusing requirements will be identified.
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2.1.3 Defect Prevention Lifecycle
{ XE "development lifecycle:defect prevention" }It is also important to augment the
development and testing processes with defect prevention techniques, to improve
the processes so that the bugs are not introduced in the first place.
Test Planning and Test Design
Defect Prevention
Defect Prevention Lifecycle
Test Planning and Test Design
Parallel Test Planning and Test Design
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2.1.4 The Development V-Model
{ XE "development lifecycle:V-model" }Verification and validation processes propose the
software development V-model. This process considers development and testing to
be a V. The left-side of the V is the development, and the right side is testing. At
each point down the left side of the V there is a corresponding test that checks that
the development step is correct.
The tests proposed at each level can be planned and designed in parallel to lower
level activities being conducted. This way as we come up the right side of the V the
testing is ready to commence.
Coding Unit
Defect Prevention Lifecycle
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2.2 Kinds of Testing
There are many different kinds of testing that focus on finding different kinds of
software errors.
2.2.1 Static and Dynamic Testing
Static Testing is examining the component or system without executing the code.
{ XE "testing:static" }{ XE "static testing" }Static testing may not only examine the code,
but also specification, design and user documents. Examinations include:
· Review meetings, such as design { XE "walkthroughs" }walkthroughs, or formal
inspections{ XE "formal inspections" }
· { XE "peer review" }Peer review, such as desk checking
· { XE "syntax checkers" }{ XE "type checkers" }Running syntax and type checkers as
part of the compilation process, or other code analysis tools
{ XE "testing:dynamic" }{ XE "dynamic testing" }Dynamic testing, on the other-hand, is
executing the code to test, without necessarily examining the code itself.
In this course we mainly discuss dynamic testing.
2.2.2 Functional (Black-Box) Testing
{ XE "testing:black-box" }{ XE " black-box testing" }{ XE "testing:functional" }{ XE " functional
testing" }Testing based on the requirements of the system or component under test
Quite often these are derived directly from { XE "functional requirements" }functional
requirements documents, where each functional requirement is turned into functional
test criteria.
{ XE "coverage:functional" }Testing coverage at functional testing is usually achieved
by building a { XE "trace matrix" }trace matrix between requirements and test criteria
that test that requirement. Those requirements that are not covered properly are
those that do not have sufficient test criteria assigned.
Where function requirements documents are not available, the tester must interpret
the requirements of the system by observing the operational behaviour of the system
or component under test.
Black-box testing is so named as it IS NOT POSSIBLE to look inside the box to
determine the design and implementation structures of the components you are
2.2.3 Structural (White-Box)Testing
{ XE "testing:white-box" }{ XE " white-box testing" }{ XE "testing:structural" }{ XE " structural
testing" }Testing based on the design and implementation structures of the system or
component under test.
The structures provide information about flow of control and information that can be
used to derive test cases. E.g. if-then-else statements in a program indicate that two
kinds of result are computed based on whether a certain condition is true or false,
both of which should be tested.
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{ XE "coverage:structural" }Testing coverage for structural testing is usually achieved
by recording those paths of a program that have been executed when test have been
applied. Checking coverage of paths may include checking that every statement in
the program have been executed during the test of a component or system, i.e. there
a no lines in the code that have not been run at least once during test.
White-box testing is so named as it IS POSSIBLE to look inside the box to determine
the design and implementation structures of the components you are testing.
2.2.4 Module (Unit) Testing
{ XE "testing:unit" }{ XE " unit testing" }{ XE "testing:module" }{ XE " module testing"
}Module Testing is applied at the level of each module of the system under test.
Module testing is usually done by the developers themselves, before the module is
handed over for integration with other modules.
Usually the testing at this level is structural (white-box) testing.
Module Testing is sometimes called Unit Testing representing the lowest level
component available for testing.
Note in some situations, unit testing is also used to refer to testing of logical or
function units that have integrated a number of modules. We consider this to be
integration testing.
2.2.5 Integration Testing
{ XE "testing:integration" }{ XE " integration testing" }Integration Testing is an interim level
of testing applied between module testing and system testing to test the interaction
and consistency of an integrated subsystem. { XE "testing:subsystem" }
Integration testing is applied incrementally as modules are assembled into larger
subsystems. Testing is applied to subsystems which are assembled either:
· { XE "integration:bottom-up" }Bottom-up - assembles up from the lowest level
modules and replaces higher level modules with test harnesses to drive the units
under test.
· { XE "integration:top-down" }Top-down – assembles down from the highest level
modules replacing lower level modules with test stubs to simulate interfaces
· Mixture of both bottom-up and top-down.
Integration testing is performed so a partial system level test can be conducted
without having to wait for all the components to be available, and thus problems can
be fixed before affecting downstream development on other components. Thus
integration testing is usually done as soon as identifiable logical subsystems are
Integration testing is also performed as some tests cannot be carried out on a fully
integrated system, and requires integration with special test harnesses and stubs to
properly test a component. It also helps to focus testing to particular components
and to isolate the problems that will be discovered.
Usually the testing at this level is a mixture of functional (black-box) and structural
(white-box) testing.
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2.2.6 Interface Testing
{ XE "testing:interface" }{ XE " interface testing" }Interfaces are the sources of many
errors, as often there is a misunderstanding of the way components and subsystems
should work together because they are developed by different people.
Interface testing focuses specifically on the way components and subsystems are
linked and work together.
Interface testing can be applied to internal interfaces between subcomponents of a
system (e.g. between separate modules), as well as to external interfaces to other
systems (e.g. data interchanges to other applications).
2.2.7 System Testing
{ XE "testing:system" }{ XE " system testing" }System testing represents testing after a
complete system has been assembled.
System testing is usually performed after all module, integration and unit testing have
been successfully applied.
2.2.8 Acceptance Testing
{ XE "testing:acceptance" }{ XE " acceptance testing" }Demonstrates to the customer that
predefined acceptance criteria have been met by the system.
Typically used as a mechanism to handover the system.
{ XE " customer" }The customer may write the acceptance test criteria and request
that these be executed by the developer, or the developer may produce the
acceptance testing criteria which are to be approved by the customer.
The customer may demand to:
· Run the tests themselves
· Witness tests run by the developer
· Inspect documented test results
2.2.9 Performance, Load and Stress Testing
{ XE "testing:performance" }{ XE " performance testing" }{ XE "testing:load" }{ XE " load
testing" }{ XE "testing:stress" }{ XE " stress testing" }Performance is concerned with
assessing timing and memory usage aspects of the system’s operation.
Performance testing may be concerned with checking that an operation completes
within a fixed deadline, or that only a fixed size of memory is allocated.
Load testing increases the system to peak levels of operation and checks whether
this has any detrimental effect on operation. For example, running with maximum
levels of concurrent users to determine whether there is any impact on network
performance, or increasing the database to maximum size to determine whether
transactions are still feasible.
Stress testing is concerned with degrading the performance of the system to
determine whether this has any detrimental effect on operation. For example,
disconnecting a redundant network server to determine if remaining servers can
maintain operation.
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These kinds of testing are very closely related, but it is important to note their subtle
2.2.10 Usability Testing
{ XE "testing:usability" }{ XE " usability testing" }Usability testing considers human factors
in the way that users interact with the system. This testing considers the way in
which information is presented to the user, such as layout of data and buttons, or
colours used to highlight information, e.g. errors and alarms.
2.2.11 Reliability Testing
{ XE "testing:reliability" }{ XE " reliability testing" }Reliability testing establishes how
reliable the system will be when the system is operating.
Usually reliability testing is used to establish a Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
which is the expected duration between failures of the system, such as the system
crashing and not being operational.
The MTBF is established by generating a sequence of tests that reflects the
operational profile of a system. The user first needs to construct a statistical model
of the operational profile and then build the test sequence by randomly selecting
each test case in the sequence from the statistical distribution.
This is sometimes called Statistical Testing.
2.2.12 Security Testing
{ XE "testing:security" }{ XE " security testing" }Tests that access control is limited
· Password control
· Authority levels
· File access privileges
· Server access
Examines questions like could an unauthorised person gain access to or modify
functions or data within the system.
2.2.13 Backup/Recovery Testing
{ XE "testing:backup/recovery" }{ XE " backup/recovery testing" }Testing that the backup
and recovery mechanisms of a system are stable and sufficient.
2.2.14 Installation Testing
{ XE "testing:installation" }{ XE " installation testing" }Testing that the system has been
installed and configured correctly for the installation site.
2.2.15 Alpha and Beta Testing
{ XE "testing:alpha" }{ XE " alpha testing" }{ XE "testing:beta" }{ XE " beta testing" }Alpha
and beta testing represents use of the system by actual users. Testing is informal
and represents typical use of the system.
2. Testing Processes 31
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Alpha testing is usually conducted by users who are internal to the development
organisation, such as another development group in the same company. It is
somewhat like a pilot installation of the system.
Beta testing is testing carried out by external participating sites where other
organisations are using the system on a trial basis. Usually, participating beta
testers sign an agreement that waivers damages, and is usually limited to non-critical
Beta testing is employed quite often on projects that could affect a large number
(potentially millions) of users. Beta testing can be very expensive, but insignificant
when compared to the cost of dealing with problems handed out to the complete
customer base.
2.2.16 Parallel Testing
{ XE "testing:parallel" }{ XE " parallel testing" }The system under test is put into operation
in parallel with the existing system that it is replacing. Results computed in the new
system are compared to those results computed in the existing system to discover
After a suitable parallel test period, and providing no significant problems are
encountered, the existing system is replaced with the system under test.
2.2.17 Regression Testing
{ XE "testing:regression" }{ XE " regression testing" }Regression testing is applied after
changes have been made to a system. The operation of the new version of the
system is compared to the previous version to determine if there are any unexpected
Regression is applied as changing software, for example to fix known defects or to
add new functions, has a very high likelihood of introducing new defects. Some
studies have predicted that for every 6 lines of code modified a new defect will be
Beta Testing Case Studies
Microsoft, and other shrink-wrapped software vendors, use beta testing
extensively to release trials of their products, before distributing them to millions of
users. These beta testers provide their services for free or in return for free or
discounted software.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club systems support billions of dollars in betting
transactions every year. They beta test their systems by having many thousands
of their employees attend mock horse racing days to exercise the new systems
installed at the race track. These beta testers are paid to attend the mock racing
days, and are provided “funny money” to gamble with.
A local computer game manufacturer, Auran, used the internet to collect feedback
from more than 1000 volunteer beta testers of their product “Dark Reign”. The
software automatically provided feedback which profiled how the system was
being used by each beta tester, and how they could fine tune their game. They
had over 10,000 applicants for beta testers within one week, all in return for a
Dark Reign poster signed by the developers of the system.
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Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
Regression testing has become a commonly applied form of testing due to the
introduction of capture/playback test tools. Testers use these tools to capture the
operation of a version of a system under test, and then the operation can be played
back automatically on later versions of the system and any differences in behaviour
are reported.
2.2.18 Mutation Testing
{ XE "testing:mutation" }{ XE " mutation testing" }Mutation testing is used to evaluate the
effectiveness of the testing applied to a system.
Mutation testing introduces modifications to the system under test that would
constitute defects. The tests previously applied to the system are then reapplied to
the modified system to check that the tests applied would pick up the defects
A variant of this approach is { XE " error seeding" }error seeding, which deliberately
introduces defects into the system before testing begins. This is used as a
motivation technique for the testers to discover defects that are know to exist.
However, as with any techniques that could be used to evaluate performance, care
must be taken not to lower morale with measurements that could be used against a
particular developer or tester.
This method has been used in a number of scientific studies to measure the
effectiveness of different testing techniques.
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2.3 Testing Strategy
{ XE "testing:strategy" }So what kind of testing is appropriate for your system.
A test strategy balances the corporate and technical requirements of the project.
A test strategy must consider:
1. what risks are most critical to your system
2. where in the development process defects are introduced that contribute to these
3. propose testing approaches to detect these defects
2.3.1 Test Strategy Cube
{ XE "test strategy cube" }Perry [Per95a] presents an approach to developing a test
strategy using a test strategy cube (see below).
The axes of the cube are:
Test Strategy Cube [Per95a]
2. Testing Processes 34
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
· test factors, attributes of the software that, if not present, pose a risk to the
success of the software.
· test phase, phases of development in which testing should could occur.
· test tactics, are the test plans, criteria, techniques and tools used to assess the
software system
The process in completing the test strategy cube is:
1. select and rank test factors
2. identify system development phases
3. identify the risks associated with development
4. place risks in matrix
5. assign test factors to mitigate those risks Test Factors
{ XE "test:factors" }Test factors proposed by Perry [Per95a] to be used in the test
strategy cube are described in the table below:
Test Factor Description
Correctness Assurance that the data entered, processed and output by the
system is accurate and complete.
Authorisation Assurance that data is processed in accordance with the intents of
File Integrity Assurance that the data entered into the system will be returned
Audit Trail The capability to substantiate the processing that has occurred.
Continuity of
The ability to sustain processing in the event problems occur.
Assurance that the desired results will be available within a time
frame acceptable to the user.
Assurance that the system resources will be protected against
accidental and intentional modification, destruction, misuse and
Compliance Assurance that the system is designed in accordance with the
organisational strategy, policies, procedures, and standards.
Reliability Assurance that the system will perform its intended function with the
required precision over an extended period of time.
Ease of use The extent of effort required to learn, operate, prepare input for, and
interpret output from the system.
Maintainable The effort required to locate and fix an error in an operational system.
Portable The effort required to transfer a program from one hardware
configuration and/or software system environment to another.
Coupling The effort required to interconnect components within a system and
2. Testing Processes 35
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with all other systems in their processing environment.
Performance The amount of computing resources and code required by a system
to perform its stated functions.
Ease of
The amount of effort required to integrate the system into the
operating environment and then to operate the system. Test Tactics[KR2]
{ XE "test:factors" }Test tactics are allocated to mitigate risks at different phases. The
following exaples are proposed by Perry [Per95a] to be used in the test strategy
Correctness test factor
· The user has fully defined the functional specifications.
· The developed design conforms to the user requirements.
· The developed program conforms to the system design specifications.
· Functional testing ensures that the requirements are properly implemented.
· The proper programs and data are placed into production.
· The user-defined requirement changes are properly implemented into the
operational system.
Authorization test factor
· The rules governing the authorization of transactions that enable the transaction
to be processed are defined.
· The application is designed to identify and enforce the authorization rules.
· The application programs implement the authorization rules design.
· The system is compliance tested to ensure that the authorization rules are
properly executed.
· Unauthorized data changes are prohibited during the installation process.
· The method and rules for authorization are preserved during maintenance.
File integrity test factor
· Requirements for file integrity are defined.
· The design provides for the controls to ensure the integrity of the file.
· The specified file integrity controls are implemented.
· The file integrity functions are tested to ensure they perform properly.
· The integrity of production files is verified prior to placing those files into a
production status.
· The integrity of the files is preserved during the maintenance phase.
Audit trail test factor
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· The requirements to reconstruct processing are defined.
· The audit trail and information in the audit trail needed to reconstruct processing
are designed.
· The audit trail requirements are incorporated into the system.
· The audit trail functions are tested to ensure the appropriate data is saved.
· The audit trail of events during installation is recorded.
· The audit trail requirements are updated during systems maintenance.
Continuity of processing test factor
· The impact of each system failure has been defined.
· A contingency plan has been designed to address the identified failures.
· The contingency plan and procedures have been written.
· Recovery testing verifies that the contingency plan functions properly.
· The integrity of the previous systems is assured until the integrity of the new
system has been verified.
· The contingency plan is updated and tested as systems requirements change.
Service level test factor
· The desired service level for all aspects of the system is defined.
· The method to achieve the predefined service levels is incorporated into the
systems design.
· The programs and manual systems are designed to achieve the specified
service level.
· Stress testing is conducted to ensure that the system can achieve the desired
service level when both normal and above normal volumes of data are
· A fail-safe plan is used during installation to ensure service will not be disrupted.
· The predefined service level is preserved as the system is maintained.
Access control test factor
· The access to the system has been defined including those individuals/programs
authorized access and the resources they are authorized.
· The procedures to enforce the access rules are designed.
· The defined security procedures are implemented. Compliance tests are utilized
to ensure that the security procedures function in production.
· Access to the computer resources is controlled during installation. The
procedures controlling access are preserved as the system is updated.
Compliance test factor
· The system requirements are defined and documented in compliance with the
system development methodology.
· The system design is performed in accordance with the system design
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· The programs are constructed and documented in compliance with the
programming methodology.
· The testing is performed in compliance with the test methodology
· The integration of the application system in a production environment is
performed in accordance with the installation methodology
· Maintenance is performed in compliance with the system maintenance
Reliability test factor
· The level of accuracy and completeness expected in the operational
environment is established.
· The data integrity controls to achieve the established processing tolerances are
· Data integrity controls are implemented in accordance with the design.
· Manual, regression, and functional tests are performed to ensure the data
integrity controls work.
· The accuracy and completeness of the system installation is verified.
· The accuracy requirements are maintained as the applications are updated.
Ease of use test factor
· The usability specifications for the application system are defined.
· The system design attempts to optimize the usability of the implemented
· The programs conform to the design in order to optimize the ease of use.
· The interrelationship between the manual and automated system is tested to
ensure the application is easy to use.
· The usability instructions are properly prepared and disseminated to the
appropriate individuals. As the system is maintained, the ease of use is
Maintainable test factor
· The desired level of maintainability of the system is specified.
· The design is developed to achieve the desired level of maintainability.
· The programs are coded and designed to achieve the desired level of
· The system is inspected to ensure that it is prepared to be maintainable.
· The application system documentation is complete.
· Maintainability is preserved as the system is updated.
Portable test factor
· The portability in moving the application system from one piece of hardware or
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software to another is determined.
· The design is prepared to achieve the desired level of portability.
· The programs are designed and implemented to conform with the portability
· The implemented system is subjected to a disaster test to ensure that it is
· The implemented system is subjected to a disaster test to ensure that it is
· The documentation is complete to facilitate portability.
· Portability is preserved as the system is maintained.
Coupling test factor
· The interface between the system being developed and other related systems is
· The design takes into account the interface requirements.
· The designed programs conform to the interface design specifications.
· Functional and regression testing are performed to ensure that the interface
between systems functions properly.
· The interface between systems is coordinated prior to the new system being
placed into production.
· The interface between systems is preserved during the systems maintenance
Performance test factor
· The performance criteria are established.
· The design specifications are prepared to ensure that the desired level of
performance is achieved.
· The programs are designed and implemented to achieve the performance
· The system is compliance tested to ensure that the desired performance levels
are achieved.
· The performance is monitored during the installation phase.
· The desired level of performance is preserved during systems maintenance.
Ease of operation test factor
· The operational needs are incorporated into the system design.
· The operational needs are communicated to operations.
· The needed operating procedures are developed.
· The operational procedures are tested to ensure they achieve the desired level
of operational usability.
· The operating procedures are implemented during the installation phase.
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· The changes to the operational system are reflected in changes to operating
2.3.2 Test Activities
{ XE "test:activities" }Test activities are assigned to implement tactics identified above.
A test strategy must closely fit with other development, and verification and validation
strategies. It is common that significant changes are made to accommodate
verification and validation (testing) issues within the development process, for
example, synchronisation points in the processes to coordinate on shared activities,
or implementing hooks in the code to be used for testing purposes.
The role of test strategy is not to manage how a single testing activity is
implemented. This kind of information is contained in a test plan, whereas the test
strategy proposes how different testing activities can be planned to cover all
important corporate and technical test requirements.
It is quite common to develop a test strategy group for a project. This group consists
of the managers responsible for implementing different phases of testing, and may
also have members of the development team contributing to the strategy[KR3].
Testing Strategy
Testing Activity
Define Tests
Execute Tests
Report Results
Testing Activity
Define Tests
Execute Tests
Report Results
Testing Activity
Define Tests
Execute Tests
Report Results
Testing Activity
Define Tests
· model system
· define test objectives
· decompose objectives into tests cases
· provide test case and procedure details
Execute Tests
Report Results
· log test execution results
· prepare test summary report
Testing strategy coordinates the separate testing activities applied to a system.
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2.4 { XE "test plan" \r "indTestPlan" }Test
{ XE "test plan" }A test plan describes, for a testing activity, the components to be
tested, the testing approach, any tools required, the resources and schedule, and the
risks of the testing activity.
As with other plans “failing to plan is planning to fail ”.
The test plan is used to predict solutions up-front to problems that need to be solved
later in the process.
2.4.1 Test Plan Objectives
{ XE "test plan:objectives" }The main objectives of the test plan are:
· to identify the items that are subject to testing
· to communicate, at a reasonably high level, the extent of testing
· to define the roles and responsibilities for test activities
· to provide an accurate estimate of effort required to complete the testing defined
in the plan
· to define the infrastructure and support required (capital purchases, access
required, etc.)
Level of Detail in Test Plans
{ XE "test plan:level of detail" }One client made some complaints about the test
plans we prepared for them. They said that the extent of the test requirements
were not detailed enough as they did not precisely define all the steps involved in
each test. We only provided high level test requirements describing what aspect
of the system was being tested.
They were correct in the fact that the test plans were not at such a low level of
detail. This was intentional! To provide such a level of detail is at a stage of
defining the test cases and test procedures. This is test design. There is
significant cost involved in test design, beyond that assigned to preparation of the
The purpose of the test plan is to identify at a high level what is required so that
activities can be resourced and scheduled. The plan is an agreement on the
extent of testing to be completed. Planning is done before significant effort is
further expended preparing the test designs.
In this case, the client’s complaints also included that the testing proposed was
too expensive! To reduce the cost, the extent of the testing had to be reduced.
Imagine the waste had we moved to test design and prepared the low level detail
for each test, only later to realise that some of the tests we defined were to be
eliminated to save money.
The level of our test plan provided sufficient detail to decide what tests were to be
carried out and what was to be omitted. We knew what we were in for …
2. Testing Processes 41
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2.4.2 IEEE Standard Test Plans[KR4]
{ XE "IEEE Standards:test plan" }{ XE "test plan :IEEE Standards" }The IEEE
Standard [IEEE83a] identifies the main components of a test plan according to the
structure of the test plan document:
· Identifier – unique identifier assigned to plan
· Introduction – summarise what’s in the plan, what are the main issues that a
reader should look at in more detail if they were to pick up the plan, and provide
references to other documents
· Test Items – identifies the components to be tested, including specific versions
or variants
· Features to be Tested – those aspects of the system that will undergo test
· Features not to be Tested – aspects of system not being tested and reasons
why they can be ignored
· Approach – describes the general approach to testing each feature to be tested
· Item Pass/Fail Criteria – criteria to determine whether each test item passed or
fails testing
· Suspension Criteria and Resumption Criteria – identifies the conditions under
which testing can be suspended, and what testing activities are to be repeated if
testing resumes
· Test Deliverables – describes the documentation that represents all the testing
activities applied to the test items covered under this plan
· Testing Tasks – identifies all the tasks required to complete testing, including
any dependencies between tasks, or special skills required for tasks
· Environmental Needs – describes the test environment, including any special
hardware facilities, software facilities, and support tools.
· Responsibilities – groups responsible for managing, designing, preparing,
executing, witnessing, checking and resolving.
· Staffing and Training Needs – specifies who is available to carry out the testing
tasks, their skill level requirements, and any special training needs.
· Schedule – proposed test milestones and events, and proposals for task
coordination and effort estimations.
· Risks and Contingencies – identifies any high risk assumptions of the plan, and
contingencies for each risk proposed
· Approvals – sign-off requirements for the plan
2.4.3 Test Plan Issues
Testers can get frustrated trying to complete the test plans before the details of the
system that they are testing have been finalised. In these scenarios, "To Be
Defined" of "TBD" can be used as a placeholder for parts of the plan that are not yet
known. This terminology also provides a simple mechanism for searching for parts
of the plan that still require development.[KR5]
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
3. Black [KR6]Box
¨ purpose of black-box testing
¨ a systematic approach to decomposing system requirements into tests
¨ black-box test design techniques for defining test cases, e.g. functional analysis,
equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, cause-effect graphing
¨ test coverage metrics
¨ test oracles as mechanisms to capture and compare test results
3. Black Box Testing 43
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3.1 Purpose of Black-Box Testing
Black-box testing is proposing tests without detailed knowledge of the internal
structure of the system or component under test. It is based on the specification of
what the system’s requirements.
Many other replacement terms are used for black-box testing, including:
· specification-based testing
· input/output testing
· functional testing
Black-box testing is typically performed as the development lifecycle nears a
completely integrated system, such as during integration testing, interface testing,
system testing and acceptance testing. At this level the components of the system
are integrated sufficiently as to demonstrate that complete requirements are fulfilled.
The types of errors that are most commonly found in black-box testing, include:
· incorrect or missing functions
· interface errors, in the way different functions interface together, the way the
system interfaces with data files and data structures, or the way the system
interfaces with other systems, such as through a network
· load and performance errors
· initialisation and termination errors
3. Black Box Testing 44
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3.2 Systematically Decomposing
Requirements into Tests
Most testers, at the start of the testing project, are confronted with the problem of
deciding what test cases they will execute to thoroughly test their system.
Initially the tester is overwhelmed, as they are looking at an empty test set that must
be populated, which, for the average system, will need to be filled with many
thousands of test cases to test adequately.
As with any huge task, the key is to break the task down into smaller manageable
activities. This is where test design fits in, decomposing the task of testing a system
into smaller manageable activities, ultimately to a level that corresponds to
establishment of an individual test case. Of course, test design is also the
mechanism used for assuring yourself that you have sufficient test cases to cover all
appropriate aspects of your system.
Designing what test cases are required is a labour-intensive activity. No tool can
automatically determine what test cases are needed for your system, as each
system is different, and test tools do not know what constitutes correct (or incorrect)
operation. Test design requires the tester’s experience, reasoning and intuition.
3.2.1 Specification to Guide Testing
The specification or a model of your system is the initial starting point for test design.
The system specification or model may be a functional specification, performance or
security specification, user scenario specification, or a specification of the hazards
and risks of the system. Whatever the case may be, the specification describes the
criteria against which test as it defines correct or acceptable operation.
In many cases, particularly with legacy systems, there may be little or no
documentation available to use as a system specification. Even where
documentation does exist, there is a high risk that it has not been kept up-to-date
after year of modification to the system. It is essential that knowledgeable end-users
of the system are included in test design, as a substitute for missing or out-of-date
specifications. If current documentation is inadequate for specification purposes,
then at least a simple form of specification should be created from which the toplevel
set of test objectives can be derived. In many cases, a significant part of the
test design technique involves formulating a specification to test against.
3.2.2 Decomposing Test Objectives
Test design will focus on a set of specification components to test. High-level test
objectives are proposed for these specification components. Each test objective is
then systematically decomposed into either other test objectives or test cases using
test design techniques.
Once you have decomposed your test objectives to single components for a given
test criteria, there are many kinds of test design techniques that can be selected
depending on the type of testing you are applying, and many of these techniques are
appearing in standards [BCS97a]. Techniques include
· Equivalence Class Partitioning
· Boundary Value Analysis
3. Black Box Testing 45
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· State Transitions Testing
· Cause-Effect Graphing
Documenting your test designs is crucial. Test designs are normally represented in
a document called a Test Design Specification, for which standard formats are
available [IEEE83a]. The Test Design Specification provides an audit trail that traces
the design from specification components through to applicable test cases. The
document records the transformation of test objectives and justifies that each test
objective has been adequately decomposed at the subsequent level. In many cases,
test design documents are required to justify to other parties that each requirement
has been fulfilled.
Systematic test design is the key to decomposing your huge complex testing task.
Once you have competed the difficult task of deciding what test cases you need to
complete your tests, executing the test cases is relatively straight-forward.
Test Design
Test Design
Test Design Specification
System Specification
Test Cases
Decomposing the testing task involves incrementally breaking down your system
into test objectives until sets of test cases are identified.
3. Black Box Testing 46
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3.3 Black-Box Testing Techniques
Presented below are different techniques that can be employed to test a component
in an attempt to discover defects. The component level considered is typically that of
a single function.
Many of the techniques and examples are extracted from the British Computer
Society’s Standard for Component Testing [BCS97a]. This standard provides
excellent guidance for test design techniques, and is being proposed for international
standard status.
3.3.1 Functional Analysis
Functional analysis is a very general technique that is probably the most widely used
approach in industry. The technique is based on the simple assumption that the
system is expected to perform certain functions, and test cases are proposed to the
functions are performed as expected.
The approach first needs to specification of what functions are expected to be
provided by the system. This information is typically provided in functional
specifications of the system. However in many cases, for example legacy systems,
such specification may not be available or be so far out-of-date that they no longer
correctly reflect the system’s functions.
In these situations, the user must build a functional specification. Quite often a good
starting point for such a specification is the menu structure provided by the system,
or the user documentation provided with the system.
For example, consider the following case study which builds function tests for a shire
council ’s mainframe application. Shire Council Application
The shire council has a core information system that supports:
· Finance, Accounting and Budgeting
· Inventory Management
· Purchasing
· Services
· Records Management
As usual, there is no up-to-date documentation available for the system.
The system has been developed for some time, and there are a number of
application end-users that are trained in its operation. Decomposing the system into functions
Begin by dividing the system into function groups for each main functional category.
For example:
· Operator Functions
· System Administration Functions
3. Black Box Testing 47
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· Installation/Decommissioning Functions
· Security Functions
· Recovery/Backup Functions
· Interface Functions
· Etc.
Taking each functional category in turn, develop a hierarchy of function groups that
define the types of functions performed for that category.
There is limited guidance for this step, as the groups are dependent on the type of
system. Good starting points for the function group hierarchy include:
· System menus
· User Manual section headings / table of contents
The main menu provides initial function groups for operator functions:
Sub-menus further define the function group hierarchy:
For each function group, identify the set of functions that belong in the group. If the
function can be further decomposed into sub-functions it should be a function group.
3. Black Box Testing 48
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As with the function group hierarchy, good starting points for the function group
hierarchy include:
· Lowest level menus
· User Manual section paragraphs
Ultimately a menu may link to particular functions rather than groups of functions.
After analysis the tester can develop a hierarchy of function groups and functions: Defining the Functions
For each function, provide a description:
· What the function is supposed to do
· How the function is supposed to work
Shire Council Core Information System
Operator Functions
Transaction Processing
Purchase Order Entry
Maintain Suggested Re-order/Shopping List Items
Goods Receival Entry
Goods Receival Amendment
Function hierarchy for shire council system
Purchase Order Entry
Function Name:
Purchase Order Entry
Accessed from menu option 210.
Purchase order entry allows the operator to record a new purchase order. A
purchase order requests the provision of products from a supplier.
The purchase order once entered is recorded in the database, and products
ordered are identified in the database as being on order.
At close of trading, purchase orders are printed and sent to supplier.
Description for purchase order entry function.
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The detail of description is dependent on users of the function model
· For the previous example, it may be acceptable to a small group just to have
“Accessed from menu option 210”. But this may not be acceptable for longer
term documentation requirements.
· Other groups may need considerably more detail.
More detail will be added required in test design techniques, it is either provided upfront,
or as required during test design.
The following screens show the sequence of interaction when using the purchase
order function:
Screen 1:
Screen 2:
3. Black Box Testing 50
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Screen 3:
Screen 4:
Screen 5:
3. Black Box Testing 51
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Data flow model:
The inputs and outputs of the purchase order entry forms are as follows:
Form Inputs Form Outputs
Supplier Number
– Identifier for supplier of products
– Budget allocation code
– Intended storage location for
Order Date
– Date on which the order is raised
– Text field for arbitrary reference code
Delivery Code
– Identifier for delivery address
Delivery Details
– Details of delivery address
– Method of delivery
– Special instructions for delivery
– Person responsible for enquiries
Purchase Order Number
– Unique code generated for purchase
order entry
Default Purchasing Officer
– Code of purchasing officer taken from
Default Location
– Code of store location taken from login
Default Delivery Site Details
– Delivery site derived from location
Order Total
– Sum of ordered product subtotals
For each ordered product
Default Product Price
– Price per product unit taken from
supplier’s product records
Default Product Description
– Description of product taken from
supplier’s product records
Form Inputs
Delivery Details
Supplier’ Product
Price List
Inventory Stock
Levels (on-order)
Purchase Order
Form Outputs
Budget Records Department
Budget Records
Data flow for the purchase order entry function.
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regarding order
Purchasing Officer
– Person responsible for issuing
purchase order
Payment Terms
– When payment is required
Sales Tax
– Code for sales tax applicable to
purchase order
Print Order Option
– Y/N to print order
Confirmation Order Option
– ???
Print Order Prices Option
– Y/N to include prices on printed order
Print Order Prices Option
– Y/N to include prices on printed order
Batch Print Option
– Y/N to print at end-of-day batch or
now on on-line printer
For each ordered product
Product Code
– Identifier for ordered product
– Description of ordered product
– Number of units ordered
– Price per unit
– How units are sold, e.g. each, dozen
Due Date
– Date before which ordered products
should be received
Tax Class
– Code for tax applicable to ordered
3. Black Box Testing 53
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd. Test Design using Functional Analysis
Analyses each function separately to define a set of test criteria
· Analyse each function’s input and output processing to determine what
tests are required
Focus on each function to analyse the function’s:
· Criteria
· Outputs
· Inputs
· Internal Conditions
· Internal State
Function’s Criteria
Define criteria that determine whether the function is performing correctly
No. Criteria Test Objective / Case Id
1. Purchase order recorded for a supplier for a selection of
products of different quantities
2. Products recorded in purchase order are added to
products awaiting delivery in the inventory stock
Function’s Outputs
Identify those outputs that must be produced by the system in order to
support the function
· Identify how values are captured
· Identify how values are determined to be correct
No. Output Accessibility Correctness Test Objective /
1. Unique purchase order
number generated at start of
purchase order entry.
Observable in purchase
order entry form
Check new order added
without overwriting other
purchase orders
2. Default unit price of product
derived from supplier’s price
Observable in purchase
order entry form
Price corresponds to unit price
in supplier’s product records
3. Default description of
product derived from
supplier’s price list
Observable in purchase
order entry form
Same as recorded in supplier’s
price list for item code
4. Purchase order total amount
derived from sum of product
order subtotals
Observable in purchase
order entry form
Sum of product order subtotals PUR-POE-02-004
5. New order with appropriate
products and quantities
included purchase order
Observable in purchase
order records using query
Purchase order record details
correspond to those entered
6. Products order quantities
included in inventory stock
level after completion
Check stock levels for
ordered product before and
after purchase order
Stock level increased by
ordered quantity
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7. Delivery address derived
from delivery address code
Observable in purchase
order entry form
Same as recorded in delivery
sites for code
8. Department budget records
updated to include purchase
order debits
Observable in department
budget records using query
Department budget debited by
purchase order amount
9. Default purchasing officer
calculated from log-in
Observable in purchase
order entry form
Dependent on log-in user and
10. Default store code derived
from log-in
Observable in purchase
order entry form
Dependent on log-in location PUR-POE-02-009
Function’s Inputs
Identify those inputs required to generate the outputs for each function.
No. Input Requirements Test Objective /
1. Supplier Number Supplier number used to generate a purchase order. The
purchase order is recorded for that supplier
Inputs not yet covered: all except Supplier Number
Identify how invalid inputs are treated
No. Input Treatment Test Objective /
1. Supplier Number If supplier number does not exist in supplier detail records
then an error message should be printed, and abort adding
purchase order.
2. Supplier Number If supplier number is not entered then an error message
should be printed, and abort adding purchase order.
Inputs not yet covered: all except Supplier Number
Function’s Internal Conditions
Identify internal conditions under which outputs are expected to be produced.
No. Internal Condition Effect Test Objective /
1. Purchase order within budget allowance Purchase order can be completed PUR-POE-04-001
Only the one internal condition considered
Identify what happens when required conditions are not satisfied
No. Condition Treatment Test Objective /
1. Purchase order not within budget
Purchase order cannot be approved and error
message is raised. The user is then passed
back to purchase order entry to allow editing or
Only the one internal condition considered
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Function’s Internal Conditions
Identify how the internal state changes after receiving each input.
· How can the internal state be observed externally to check for
correct change to state
No. Internal State Accessibility Correctness Test Objective /
1. Completed purchase order with
batch print option chosen is
indicated as not yet printed in
Accessible from
purchase order records
Not yet printed flag should
indicate it is awaiting print
Not yet complete: only one internal state issue considered
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3.3.2 Use Cases[KR8]
Collard provides an useful article on deriving tests from use cases (see [Col99a]).
A use case is a sequence of actions performed by a system, which together produce
results required by users of the system. It defines process flows through a system
based on its likely use.
Tests derived from use cases help uncover defects in process flows during actual
use of the system. The tester may discover that it is not possible to transition to a
different part of the system when using the system as defined by the use case.
Use cases also involve interaction or different features and functions of the system.
For this reason, tests derived from use cases will help uncover integration errors. Use Case Definition
Each use case has:
· preconditions{ XE "precondition" }, which need to be met for the use case to
work successfully
· postconditions{ XE "postcondition" } define the conditions in which the use
case terminates. The postconditions identify the observable results and final
state of the system after the use case has completed.
· flow of events, which defines user actions and system responses to those
actions. It is comprised of a normal scenario, which defines the mainstream
of most likely behaviour of the system for the use case, and alternative
branches, which provide other paths that may be taken through the use case
Use cases may also have shared or common pieces, such as threads of use cases
reused across several use cases.
A sample use case for a selecting products for a purchase order is shown below. Deriving Test Cases
Deriving test cases from use cases is relatively straight-forward, and consists of
choosing paths that traverse through the use case. Paths exist not only for the
normal path but also for the alternative branches.
For each test case the path exercised can be identified, and then input and expected
results can be defined. A single path can give rise to many different test cases, and
other black-box test design techniques, such as equivalence partitioning and
boundary value analysis (described in later sections), should be used to derive
further test conditions.
A large number of test cases can be derived using this approach, and it requires
judgement to prevent an explosion of test cases. As usual, selecting candidate test
cases should be based on the associated risk, which involves the impact of failure,
the likelihood of finding errors, the frequency of use, and complexity of the use case.
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Use Case Name: Select Product
Use Case Description
Selecting the product to be ordered helps build a purchase order (PO) and adds a new line item
to the PO. A PO can contain several line items, each line item on the PO orders a quantity of
one specific product, from the vendor to whom the PO is addressed.
An open PO must already be in existence, with its status set to the value "in progress", and this
PO must have a valid Vendor ID number and a unique PO number. The user must have entered
a valid user ID# and password, and be authorised to access the PO and to add or modify a line
The number of line items on the existing PO must not equal twenty-five (For this sample, the
organisation's business policy limits the number of lines per PO to twenty five or less.) The
product number must be unique on each existing line item (another business policy - no
duplicate products within one PO).
The system must be able to access the correct product list for the vendor.
The same PO must still exist and still be open. A new line has been added to the PO, with the
next sequential line item number assigned, and the correct product has been selected for this
line item (unless the use case was aborted).
The system must be left in the correct state to be able to move on the next steps after the
product selection.
The product number cannot duplicate an existing product number on another line item on the
same PO. The product selected or entered must be a valid one for this vendor.
Alternatively, the original PO must remain unchanged from its original state if a product was not
selected (for example, because the process was aborted).
Error messages are issued, if appropriate, and after the use case has been exercised the system
is waiting in a state ready to accept the next input command.
Use case for selecting a product for a purchase order.
Flow of events
Provides list
product list
line for new
Reject, too
Confirms (not
scenarion path
Use case for selecting a product for a purchase order.
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An example test case is as follows: Negative Test Cases
{ XE "negative test cases" }Negative test cases consider the handling of invalid data,
as well as scenarios in which the precondition has not been satisfied. There are
kinds of negative test cases that can be derived:
1. Alternative branches using invalid user actions. An example is provided below.
2. Attempting inputs not listed in the test case. This includes attempting to violate
the preconditions, e.g. trying the use case on POs that do not have status "in
progress", such as adding a new item to a "closed" PO.
Test Case Name: Select product - normal
Use Case Name: Select product
Use Case Path to be Exercised: [U1, S1.1, U2.1, S2, U3.1, S3.1, U4, S4.1]
Input Data: Product ID# A01045 - Matador Stapler
Initial Condition: PO# 18723 is already open and displayed for vendor ID# 67
User ID# 12 is authorised to work on this PO
3 line items already attached to this PO.
Expected Results: PO# 18723 is still open and displayed for Vendor ID#67
User ID#12 is still authorised to work on this PO.
Eight line items are now attached to this PO.
New line item has been established for Matador Stapler.
New line item has been assigned line item number 8.
System is ready to proceed to next activity.
Test case for normal scenario of selecting a product for a purchase order.
Test Case Name: Select product - enter invalid product code
Use Case Name: Select product
Use Case Path to be Exercised: [U1, S1.1, U2.2, S3.2]
Input Data: Product ID# A01055 - Matador Stapler
(correct ID# is actually A01045)
Initial Condition: PO# 18723 is already open and displayed for vendor ID# 67
User ID# 12 is authorised to work on this PO
Three line items already attached to this PO.
Product ID# A1055 is not a valid product number for this vendor.
Expected Results: PO# 18723 is still open and displayed for Vendor ID#67
User ID#12 is still authorised to work on this PO.
The same three line items are still attached to this PO.
No new line item has been established.
Error message displayed: "Invalid Product ID#: please re-enter or abort".
System is ready to proceed to next activity.
3. Black Box Testing 59
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd. Conclusion
Deriving test cases will inevitably discover errors in the use cases as well. We may
discover that we can't abort without providing a correct purchase order number.
Use cases and test cases work well together in two ways:
1. If the use cases for a system are complete, accurate and clear, the process of
deriving test cases is straight-forward.
2. If the use cases are not in good shape, deriving test cases will help to debug the
test cases.
{ XE "transaction flow testing" }{ XE "testing:transaction flow" }In other material, this
approach is also referred to as transaction flow testing. A { XE "transaction flow"
}transaction flow is similar to a flow chart, but instead of using low level internal
details in the flow chart, it provides a high level functional description from a user’s
perspective. In the same way as for use cases above we derive test cases to
exercise different paths available through the transaction flow. See Chapter 3,
Section 4 of [Bei84a] for further detail.
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3.3.3 Equivalence Partitioning
Equivalence partitioning is a standardised technique in [BCS97a].
Equivalence partitioning is based on the premise that inputs and outputs of a
component can be partitioned into classes, which according to the component’s
specification, will be treated similarly (equivalently) by the component. This
assumption is that similar inputs will evoke similar responses.
A single value in an equivalence partition is assumed to be representative of all other
values in the partition. This is used to reduce the problem that it is not possible to
test every input value. The aim of equivalence testing is to select values that have
equivalent processing, one that we can assume if a test passes with the
representative value, it should pass with all other values in the same partition. That
is we assume that similar
Some equivalence partitions may include combinations of the following:
· valid vs. invalid input and output values
· numeric values with negative, positive and 0 values
· strings that are empty or non-empty
· lists that are empty or non-empty
· data files that exist or not, are readable/writable or not
· date years that are pre-2000 or post 2000, leap years or non-leap years (a
special case is 29 February 2000 which has special processing of its own)
· dates that are in 28, 29, 30 or 31 day months
· days on workdays or weekends
· times inside/outside office-hours
· type of data file, e.g. text, formatted data, graphics, video or sound
· file source/destination, e.g. hard drive, floppy drive, CD-ROM, network Example
The following example is extracted from [BCS97a].
Consider a function, generate_grading, with the following specification:
The function is passed an exam mark (out of 75) and a coursework mark (out of
25), from which it generates a grade for the course in the range ‘A’ to ‘D’. The
grade is calculated form the overall mark, which is calculated as the sum of exam
and c/w marks, as follows:
· greater than or equal to 70 – ‘A’
· greater than or equal to 50, but less than 70 – ‘B’
· greater than or equal to 30, but less than 50 – ‘C’
· less than 30 – ‘D’
Where a mark is outside its expected range then a fault message (‘FM’) is
generated. All inputs are passed as integers.
3. Black Box Testing 61
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd. Analysis of Partitions
The tester provides a model of the component under test that partitions the input and
output values of the component. The inputs and outputs are derived from the
specifications of the component’s behaviour.
A partition is a set of values, chosen in such a way that all values in the partition are
expected to be treated the same way by the component (i.e. they have equivalent
Partitions for both valid and invalid values should be chosen.
For the generate_grading function, two inputs are identified:
· exam mark
· coursework mark
Less obvious equivalence partitions would include non-integer values for inputs. For
· exam mark = real number
· exam mark = alphabetic
· coursework mark = real number
· coursework mark = alphabetic
Next, outputs of the generate_grading function are considered:
· grade
0 75
0 £ exam mark £ 75 exam mark <> 75
Equivalence partitions for exam mark inputs
0 25
0 £ coursework mark £ 75 coursework mark <> 75
Equivalence partitions for coursework mark inputs
0 30
exam mark + c/w mark
< 0
0 £ exam mark
+ c/w mark < 30
30 £ exam mark
+ c/w mark < 50
70 £ exam mark
+ c/w mark £ 100
50 £ exam mark
+ c/w mark < 70
exam mark + c/w mark
> 100
50 70 100
Equivalence partitions for grade outputs.
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Equivalence partitions may also be considered for invalid outputs. It is difficult to
identify unspecified outputs, but they must be considered as if we can cause one to
occur then we have identified a defect in either the component, its specification, or
For example, for grade outputs we may propose the following invalid outputs.
· grade = ‘E’
· grade = ‘A+’
· grade = ‘null ’
In this example, we have proposed 19 equivalence partitions.
In developing equivalence partitions, the tester must exercise subjective choice. For
example, the additional invalid inputs and invalid outputs. Due to the subjectivity,
different testers will arrive at different equivalence partitions. Design of Test Cases
Test cases are designed to exercise partitions.
A test case comprises the following:
· The inputs to the component
· The partitions exercised
· The expected outcome of the test case
Two approaches to developing test cases to exercise partitions are available:
1. Separate test cases are generated for each partition on a one-to-one basis
2. A minimal set of test cases is generated to cover all partitions. The same test
case may be repeated for different test cases.
When developing test cases, the corresponding input or output value is varied to
exercise the partition. Other input and output values, not related to the partition
being exercised, are set to an arbitrary value.
One-to-one Test Cases for Partitions
The test cases for the exam mark input partitions are as follows:
Test Case 1 2 3
Input (exam mark) 44 -10 93
Input (coursework mark) 15 15 15
total mark (as calculated) 59 5 108
Partition tested (of exam mark) 0 £ e £ 75 e <> 75
Expected output ‘B’ ‘FM’ ‘FM’
An arbitrary value of 15 has been used for coursework mark inputs.
The test cases for the coursework mark input partitions are as follows:
Test Case 4 5 6
Input (exam mark) 40 40 40
Input (coursework mark) 8 -15 47
total mark (as calculated) 48 25 87
Partition tested (of exam mark) 0 £ c £ 25 c <> 25
Expected output ‘C’ ‘FM’ ‘FM’
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An arbitrary value of 40 has been used for exam mark inputs.
The test cases for other invalid input partitions are as follows:
Test Case 7 8 9 10
Input (exam mark) 48.7 ‘q’ 40 40
Input (coursework mark) 15 15 12.76 ‘g’
total mark (as calculated) 63.7 ? 52.76 ?
Partition tested (of exam mark) real alpha real alpha
Expected output ‘FM’ ‘FM’ ‘FM’ ‘FM’
The test cases for valid outputs partitions are as follows:
Test Case 11 12 13
Input (exam mark) -10 12 32
Input (coursework mark) -10 5 13
total mark (as calculated) -20 17 45
Partition tested (of exam mark) t < 0 0 £ t < 30 30 £ t < 50
Expected output ‘FM’ ‘D’ ‘C’
Test Case 14 15 16
Input (exam mark) 44 60 80
Input (coursework mark) 22 20 30
total mark (as calculated) 66 80 110
Partition tested (of exam mark) 50 £ t <> 100
Expected output ‘B’ ‘A’ ‘FM’
The input values of exam mark and coursework mark have been derived from the
total mark.
Finally, invalid outputs partitions are considered:
Test Case 17 18 19
Input (exam mark) -10 100 null
Input (coursework mark) 0 10 null
total mark (as calculated) -10 110 ?
Partition tested (of exam mark) ‘E’ ‘A+’ ‘null’
Expected output ‘FM’ ‘FM’ ‘FM’
Minimal Test Cases for Multiple Partitions
In many cases above test cases are similar, but a targeting different equivalence
partitions. It is possible to develop single test cases that exercise multiple partitions
at the same time.
This approach enables the tester to reduce the number of test cases required to
cover all the equivalence partitions.
For example, consider the following test case:
Test Case 1
Input (exam mark) 60
Input (coursework mark) 20
total mark (as calculated) 80
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Expected output ‘A’
The above test case exercises three partitions:
1. 0 £ exam mark £ 75
2. 0 £ coursework mark £ 25
3. grade result = ‘A’ : 70 £ exam mark + coursework mark £ 100
Similarly, test cases can be developed to exercise multiple invalid value partitions:
Test Case 2
Input (exam mark) -10
Input (coursework mark) -15
total mark (as calculated) -25
Expected output ‘FM’
The above test case exercises another three partitions:
1. exam mark < 0
2. coursework mark < 0
3. grade result = ‘FM’ : exam mark + coursework mark < 0
Comparison of One-to-one and Minimalist Approaches
The disadvantage of the one-to-one approach is it requires more test cases.
However the identification of partitions is more time consuming than the generation
and execution of test cases. Any savings in reducing the number of test cases is
relatively small compared with the cost of apply the technique to propose partitions.
The disadvantage of the minimalist approach is the difficulty of determining the
cause in the event of a failure. This is due to many different partitions being
exercised at once. This is more a problem of making debugging more difficult, rather
than affecting the testing process.
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3.3.4 Boundary Value Analysis
Boundary value analysis is a standardised technique in [BCS97a].
Boundary value analysis extends equivalence partitioning to include values around
the edges of the partitions.
As with equivalence partitioning, we assume that sets of values are treated similarly
by components. However, developers are prone to making errors in the treatment of
values on the boundaries of these partitions.
For example, elements of a list may be processed similarly, and they may be
grouped into a single equivalence partition. However, in processing the elements,
the developer may not have correct processing for either the first or last element of
the list.
Boundary-values are usually the limits of the equivalence classes. Examples include:
· Monday and Sunday for weekdays
· January and December for months
· 32767 and –32768 for 16-bit integers
· top-left and bottom-right cursor position on a screen
· first line and last line of a printed report
· 1 January 2000 for two digit year processing
· strings of one character and maximum length strings
Test cases are selected to exercise values both on and either side of the boundary.
Values either side of the boundary are selected at an incremental distance from the
boundary, the increment being the smallest significant value for the data type under
consideration (e.g. increment of 1 for integers, $0.01 for dollars). Example
Consider again generate_grading function, used previously as an example for the
equivalence partitioning technique above. This example is extracted from [BCS97a].
Initially equivalence partitions are identified (these are the same in the previous
equivalence partitioning technique), and then these are used to propose boundary
For example, the exam mark partitions give rise to boundary value tests that exercise
exam marks of –1, 0, 1, 74, 75, and 76:
boundary boundary
boundary values boundary values
Tests are selected on or next to boundary values.
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Test cases based on the boundary values for the exam mark are:
Test Case 1 2 3 4 5 6
Input (exam mark) -1 0 1 74 75 76
Input (coursework mark) 15 15 15 15 15 15
total mark (as calculated) 14 15 16 89 90 91
Boundary value (exam mark) 0 75
Expected output ‘FM’ ‘D’ ‘D’ ‘A’ ‘A’ ‘FM’
An arbitrary value of 15 has been used for coursework mark inputs.
Similarly coursework marks give risk to boundary values of 0 and 25, which give rise
to the test cases:
Test Case 7 8 9 10 11 12
Input (exam mark) 40 40 40 40 40 40
Input (coursework mark) -1 0 1 24 25 26
total mark (as calculated) 39 40 41 64 65 66
Boundary value (coursework
0 25
Expected output ‘FM’ ‘C’ ‘C’ ‘B’ ‘B’ ‘FM’
An arbitrary value of 40 has been used for exam mark inputs.
In the equivalence partitioning example we also considered non-integer and nonnumeric
partitions of exam and coursework marks, namely real numbers and
alphabetic values. Even those these are valid equivalence partitions, they have no
identifiable boundaries, and therefore no boundary values will be considered for
deriving test cases.
Equivalence partitions for the grade result are also considered. The boundaries of
grade result partitions are 0, 30, 50, 70, and 100:
0 75
0 £ exam mark £ 75 exam mark <> 75
-1 0 1 74 75 76
Boundary values for exam mark inputs
0 30
exam mark + c/w mark
< 0
0 £ exam mark
+ c/w mark < 30
30 £ exam mark
+ c/w mark < 50
70 £ exam mark
+ c/w mark £ 100
50 £ exam mark
+ c/w mark < 70
exam mark + c/w mark
> 100
50 70 100
-1 0 1 29 30 31 49 50 51 69 70 71 99 100 101
Boundary values for grade outputs.
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Test cases based on the boundary values for the grade output are:
Test Case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Input (exam mark) -1 0 0 29 15 6 24 50 26
Input (coursework mark) 0 0 1 0 15 25 25 0 25
total mark (as calculated) -1 0 1 29 30 31 49 50 51
Boundary value (total mark) 0 30 50
Expected output ‘FM’ ‘D’ ‘D’ ‘D’ ‘C’ ‘C’ ‘C’ ‘B’ ‘B’
Test Case 22 23 24 25 26 27
Input (exam mark) 49 45 71 74 75 75
Input (coursework mark) 20 25 0 25 25 26
total mark (as calculated) 69 70 71 99 100 101
Boundary value (total mark) 70 100
Expected output ‘B’ ‘A’ ‘A’ ‘A’ ‘A’ ‘FM’
Invalid partitions for grade results used in the equivalence partitioning example, (i.e.
‘E’, ‘A+’ and null), do not have identifiable boundaries, and no test cases will be
Note that many of the identified partitions were bounded on one side only, namely:
· exam mark > 75
· exam mark < 0
· coursework mark > 25
· coursework mark < 0
· exam mark + coursework mark > 100
· exam mark + coursework mark < 0
These partitions could be assumed to be bound by the data type used for the input or
output. For example, 16 bit integers have boundaries of 32767 and –32768.
Thus we could propose another 18 test cases, for instance for exam mark we have:
Test Case 28 29 30 31 32 33
Input (exam mark) 32766 32767 32768 -32769 -32768 -32767
Input (coursework mark) 15 15 15 15 15 15
Boundary value (exam mark) 32767 -32768
Expected output ‘FM’ ‘FM’ ‘FM’ ‘FM’ ‘FM’ ‘FM’
Similar test cases would be provided for coursework marks, and grade result (based
on total mark boundary values).
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3.3.5 Cause-Effect Graphing
Cause-Effect Graphing is a standardised technique in [BCS97a].
Uses a model of the behaviour of a component based on the logical relationships
between causes and effects.
Each cause is expressed as a boolean condition over inputs, and each effect is
expressed as a boolean expression representing an outcome or combination of
The model is typically represented as a boolean graph relating cause and effect
expressions using boolean operators AND, OR, NAND, NOR and NOT. From this
graph a decision table (truth table) representing logical relationships between causes
and effects is produced.
Test cases are produced to exercise each unique possible combination of inputs to
the components expressed as booleans. Each combination of cause conditions in
the decision table represents a test case. Example
The following example is extracted from [BCS97a].
Take a cheque debit function whose inputs are debit amount, account type and
current balance, and whose outputs are new balance and action code.
· Account type may be postal (‘p’) r counter (‘c’)
· Action code may be ‘D&L’, ‘D’, ‘S&L’ or ‘L’, corresponding to ‘process debit and
send out letter’, ‘process debit only’, ‘suspend account and send out letter’ and
The function has the following specification:
If there are sufficient funds available in the account or the new balance would
be within the authorised overdraft limit then the debit is processed. If the new
balance would exceed the authorised overdraft limit then the debit is not
processed and if it is a postal account it is suspended. Letters are sent out
for all transactions on postal accounts and for non-postal accounts f there are
insufficient funds available (i.e. the account would no longer be in credit). Analysis of Cause-Effects Graph
The conditions are:
C1 – new balance in credit
C2 – new balance in overdraft, but within authorised limit
C3 – account is postal
The actions are:
A1 – process debit
A2 – suspend account
A3 – send out letter
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The following cause-effect graph shows the relationships between conditions and
The cause-effect graph is then reformulated as a decision table. All true and false
combinations for input conditions are proposed, and true and false values are
allocated to actions (* is used for combinations of input conditions that are infeasible
and consequently there are no actions possible). The result is shown in the following
decision table:
Rule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
C1: new balance in credit F F F F T T T T
C2: new balance overdraft,
but within authorised limit
C3: account is postal F T F T F T F T
A1: process debit F F T T T T * *
A2: suspend account F T F F F F * *
A3: send out letter T T T T F T * *
The feasible combinations of inputs are then covered by test cases:
causes effects test
case account
1 ‘c’ $100 -$70 $50 -$70 ‘L’
2 ‘p’ $1500 $420 $2000 $420 ‘S&L’
3 ‘c’ $250 $650 $800 -$150 ‘D&L’
4 ‘p’ $750 -$500 $200 -$700 ‘D&L’
5 ‘c’ $1000 $2100 $1200 $900 ‘D’
6 ‘p’ $500 $250 $150 $100 ‘D & L’
The figure uses standard
logical sysmbols for AND (Ù),
OR (Ú) and NOT (Ø).
The arc groups those inputs
affected by a logical symbol,
where there are more than
two inputs involved
Cause-effect graph for cheque debit function.
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3.3.6 State Transition Testing
State transition testing is a standardised technique in [BCS97a].
State transition testing uses a model of the system comprising:
· the states the program may occupy
· the transitions between those states
· the events which cause those transitions
· the actions which may result
The model is typically represented as a state transition diagram.
Test cases are designed to exercise the valid transitions between states. Additional
test cases may also be designed to test that unspecified transitions cannot be
induced. Example
Consider the following example state transition diagram that handles input requests
for a display mode of a time display device.
The state transition diagram consists of:
· states, e.g. displaying time (S1)
· transitions, e.g. between S1 and S3
· events that cause transitions, e.g. “reset ” during state S1 will cause a transition to
reset (R)
alter time (AT)
date (S2)
date (S4)
time (S1)
time (S3)
time set (TS)
display time (T)
change mode (CM)
display time (T)
change mode (CM)
display date (D)
reset (R)
alter date (AD)
date set (DS)
display date (D)
State transition diagram for a time display device.
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· actions that result from the transition, e.g. during the transition from S1 to S3 as a
result of event “reset ”, the action “display time” will occur. Test Cases for Valid Transitions
Test cases are designed to exercise valid transitions.
For each test case, the following are specified:
· the starting state
· the input(s)
· the expected outputs
· the expected final state
For the example above this provides the following 6 test cases:
Test Case 1 2 3 4 5 6
Start State S1 S1 S3 S2 S2 S4
Expected Output D AT T T AD D
Finish State S2 S3 S1 S1 S4 S2
The above set of test cases achieves 0-switch coverage [Cho78a].
Other levels of switch coverage are achieve by joining longer sequences of
· 1-switch coverage is achieved by looking at the result of performing a sequence
of two valid transitions for each test
· N-switch coverage is achieved by looking at the result of performing a sequence
of N+1 valid transitions for each test Test Cases for Invalid Transitions
State transition tests designed for switch coverage only test for valid sequences of
transitions. Comprehensive testing will also try to cause invalid transitions to occur.
The software transition diagram above only shows valid transitions. A state
transition model that explicitly shows invalid transitions is a state table.
For example, the state table for the time display device is shown below.
S1 S2/D S3/AT -l -l
S2 S1/T S4/A
- -
S3 - - S1/T -
S4 - - - S2/D
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Cells of the state table shown as -, represent the null transition, where any transition
that can be induced will represent a failure.
Tests are proposed as shown for valid transitions to test these invalid transitions.
The state table is ideal for identifying the test cases. There are 16 tests
corresponding to the cells of the state table.
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3.3.7 Other Techniques
There are many more black-box test design techniques. The following briefly
identifies a few more:
Syntax Testing
Uses a model of the formally designed syntax of the inputs to the system.
Tests are derived for valid and invalid representations according to the syntax
The model represents the syntax using a number of rules that define how a
valid language term is built up from iterations, sequence and selections of
symbols or other terms of the language.
Such models are often provided for programming languages, and can be
found at the back of programming textbooks and manuals.
Test cases are derived from the rules using a number of predefined criteria.
See Appendix B.5 in [BCS97a] for more detail.
Cross-Functional Testing
Cross-functional testing uses a matrix of interactions between features of a
system. The matrix has X and Y axes being the features of the system, and
the cells indicate which component is being updated by one feature and then
used in another.
Tests are designed from the matrix to show that these interactions between
features follows that defined in the matrix.
See Chapters 3 and 8 of [Col97a] for further detail.
3. Black Box Testing 74
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3.4 Black Box Test Coverage Metrics
{ XE "coverage:black box" }A number of different coverage metrics can be
formulated for black-box techniques:
· Requirement coverage – percentage of functional requirements covered by
(and traced to) test cases
· Equivalence partitioning – percentage of equivalence partitions covered by
test cases
· Boundary value analysis – percentage of boundary values covered by test
· Cause effect graph – percentage of unique possible combinations covered by
test cases
· Decision table – percentage of unique possible combinations covered by test
· State transition testing – 0-, 1- and N-switch coverage
Quite often it is necessary to build up trace matrices to record coverage, e.g. a trace
matrix is kept between functional requirements in a specification to the test cases.
Coverage metrics are best used as a guide. For further reading, see Kaner’s article
discussing testing negligence and its relation to coverage metrics [Kan96a].
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3.5 Test Oracles[KR9]
Capture and comparison of results is one key to successful software testing. Test
oracles{ XE "test:oracles" } { XE "oracles" }are an mechanism used to calculate the
expected result of a test.
Test oracles are commonly the tester calculating or checking the result by hand.
If the test case output involves complex calculations, then programs may be written
to compute or check the output. Care must be taken to ensure that the same
approach is not used for developing the test oracle as used in developing the system
operation tested by the oracle, otherwise errors may remain undetected.
If different results are obtained for a test case, the tester must first determine
whether the system under test is incorrect or whether the oracle is incorrect.
Douglas Hoffman [Hof99a] categorised a number of different alternatives for
implementing oracles:
True Oracle{
e" }
Heuristic Oracle{
ue" }
Sampling Oracle{
mpling" }
Oracle{ XE
nsistent" }
Definition · Independent
generation of all
expected results
· Verifies some
values, as well
as consistency
of remaining
· Selects a
collection of
inputs or results
· Verifies current
run results with
a previous run
· Doesn't check
correctness of
results (only that
some results
were produced)
Advantages · No encountered
errors go
· Faster and
easier than True
· Much less
expensive to
create and use
· Can select
easily computed
or recognised
· Can manually
verify with only
simple oracle
· Fastest method
using an oracle
· Verification is
· Can generate
and verify large
amounts of data
· Can run any
amount of data
(limited only by
the time the SUT
Disadvantages · Expensive to
· Complex and
often timeconsuming
· Can miss
· May miss
systematic and
specific errors
· Often "trains the
software to pass
the test"
· Original run may
· Only spectacular
failures are
Consider a function to compute a sine wave.
90 180 270 360
Sine function example.
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3.6 True Oracle
{ XE "oracles:true" }Using a true oracle the tester would select points on the X axis
and calculate the sine at each point selected. The calculation should be performed
using an independent algorithm, as errors may go undetected if the system under
test and the oracle share the same mechanisms for calculating results..
3.7 Sampling Oracle
{ XE "oracles:sampling" }Using a sampling oracle the tester would select specific
points on the X axis where the sine result is known without calculation. For example,
the outcome of the sine function is precisely known at 0, 90, 180, 270 and 360
90 180 270 360
True oracle calculation of results of sine function.
90 180 270 360
Sampling oracle calculation of results of sine function.
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3.8 Heuristic Oracle
{ XE "oracles:heuristic" }Using a heuristic oracle (see paper by Hoffman [Hof99a])
the tester would analyse the inputs and results of the sine function to determine if
there are predictable relationships between them. The tester would then provide a
number of test cases using the sampling oracle approach above, and then the
remainder of the tests would be based on consistency of inputs and results with the
predicted relationships
For example, the sampling oracle defined tests at 0, 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees.
In addition, the tester notices that between 0 and 90 degrees, the result of sine(X)
only increases as X increases. Similarly, between 90 and 180 degrees, sine(X)
always decreases as X increases, and so on for 180 to 270 and 270 to 360 degrees.
The heuristic oracle for sine is very simple as we need only check for increases and
decreases depending on the range. This example oracle will trap a number of
different errors, e.g. dips, scale or discontinuity of the function.
90 180 270 360
Heuristic oracle calculation of results of sine function.
90 180 270 360
Errors detected with heuristic oracle calculation for sine function.
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Some kinds of errors may go undetected using a heuristic oracle. For example,
rounding errors, or constant change of the sine function may go undetected.
Using heuristic oracles, a tester looks for simple predictable relationships between
inputs and results that they can easily check. Most complex algorithms contain
simple relationships. Selected ranges may be selected for the heuristic, but the
heuristic must hold for all inputs and results within the range. If there are exceptions
it becomes more complicated to check whether the exceptions apply, and the
advantages are lost.
It is best to define to groups, what can know to expect, and what we can't determine
separately. The former are tested using a sampling oracle, and the latter using a
heuristic oracle.
When looking for patterns, consider reordering data. For instance, two equivalent
sets of elements can be sorted and compared to check that they contain matching
items. For instance, where new database items are created using an ID that is the
next increment, sorting the items by ID may reveal any breaks in the sequence to
reveal missing items.
Blocks of information can be represented by the starting value and count of
elements. Variations are possible by using fixed increments between values or using
simple patterns for changing increments. For example, to test packets of data
transmitted over a network, packets can be randomly generated with varying lengths,
and starting values, but fixed increments. It is then simple to check the integrity of
the received packet, by only understanding the packet start value, length and
increment parameters, without recording the complete packet contents as an
expected result.
90 180 270 360
Errors undetected by heuristic oracle for sine function.
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
4. Testing
¨ developing environments for testing
¨ test documentation
¨ configuration management and change control
4. Testing Infrastructure 80
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
4.1 Test Environments
Test environments{ XE "test:environments" } are the facilities built up around the
system under test to assist in the testing process.
The test environment includes:
· the system or components under test
· test documentation, describing the tests to be performed and recording results
· test harnesses and test stubs, used to replace parts of the system that are not
yet available or cannot be used to control the system for the necessary tests
· test oracles, used to predict or check outputs of test cases
· test data, including data files that are used as inputs in test cases
Much of the test environment may be provided by automated testing facilities.
These, however, are not discussed here, and will be addressed in later sections.
There are a number of test characteristics to e considered when performing tests
and building a test environment:
XE "testability"
How easily can the software system be tested. The
developers need to consider how the system can be tested
during design of the system.
Testability must consider both controllability and observability.
In many cases, tests will not be able to be performed at the
higher-levels, such as system testing, and control of certain
tests can only be done at unit testing. For example, invoking
error conditions, such as network parity error detection.
{ XE
Testing is limited by the facilities available for to control the
system to provide the inputs and invoke the conditions
necessary to exercise test cases.
The system must be controllable to be able to put the system
in a state where the test can be carried out.
Also it must be possible to return the system to a state in
which other tests can be carried out.
Observability When test case are run there must be some mechanism to
check the results of the test case are correct.
For example, the user may observe the display to check the
output, or they may check a data file that is output using an
automated test oracle.
Predictability is the expected output of the test case can be
determined in advance of the test case being executed.
Test cases that are not predictable may result in operation
that is not known whether it is correct.
Often this is achieved by controlling the environment in which
a test is executed to limit other systems interfering with results
of the test. For instance, this may involve providing a test
4. Testing Infrastructure 81
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stub for interfaces to provide constant interface data under
which the same behaviour can always be observed.
Test cases need to be repeatable. The test should return the
same result each time the test case is executed. We do not
mean that the same value is returned each time, but we
expect the test case always returns either a pass result or a
fail result.
The tester will need to repeat the test case at different times
and the procedures should be sufficiently defined that the do
not have to consider different alternatives each time. More
importantly, the developer will want to see reproducible tests
when trying to debug an incident brought about by a failed
test case.
The environment needs to be controlled so that the complete
environment can be rolled back to perform a test. For
example, this may included resetting databases and input
4.1.1 Test Toolkit[KR11] Test Harnesses
A test harness{ XE "test:harness" } or test driver{ XE "test:driver" } is supporting
code and data used to provide an environment for testing components of your
Test harnesses are typically used during unit/module test and are typically created
by the developer of the code.
Some test harnesses provide a simple user interface for the testing. Others are
more sophisticated and are designed to fully automate the testing to provide
repeatability when the code is modified.
Building test harnesses may account for 50% of the total code produced. Test
harnesses are a valuable asset, and should be controlled in the same way the code
is managed, e.g. with proper change control, configuration management, review and
maintenance procedures. Test Stubs
Test stubs{ XE "test:stub" } are dummy components that stand in for unfinished
components during unit/module testing and integration testing.
Test stubs quite often code routines that have no or limited internal processing, i.e.
just function or procedure headers. If a return value is required from a routine, then
code may be provided to always return a specific value for the purposes of testing
(e.g. a boolean function always returning true for any input). More sophisticated
stubs may request the tester to provide a value to be returned by the routine, or read
the return value from a data file.
Often, simulators{ XE "simulator" } may be used as test stubs to mimic other
interfaced systems. Simulators are commonly used in testing of real-time systems,
where the system provide continuous data that resembles operational profiles of
interfaced equipment or network traffic.
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In some cases test stubs are created by taking the code for a low level module and
modifying it slightly to provide specific control to achieve the required test criteria.
For example, a file I/O driver module may be modified to inject file I/O errors at
specific times, and thus enable the error handing of I/O errors to be analysed.[KR12] Test Oracles
Test oracles{ XE "test:oracles" } are facilities provided to calculate the expected
output for a test case or to check that the actual output for the test case is correct.
Test oracles are covered in Section 3.5.
4.1.2 Test Environment Independence
It is very important to maintain independence between the test environment and the
production environment wherever possible.
The main reasons for this are:
· To prevent testing from corrupting the production environment. The main
purpose of testing is to break the system. However, the last thing we want to do
is break the production environment.
Testing will also degrade performance of the test environment as it will increase
the load on the environment. This may be a problem during normal business
hours if system performance is critical.
· To prevent the production environment from influencing testing. The outcome of
tests could be adversely affected by operations performed within the production
environment. Either the expected results may change, or certain production
events may alter the procedures required to run the tests (e.g. acknowledge mail
· Testing typically requires significant reconfiguration of the system. For instance,
new databases may need to be installed, or different network equipment needs
to be (de)commissioned. Having to do this frequently is wasting time and money.
Where practicable, separate equipment should be provided.
Avoid the testing night shift. It is more expensive, lowers staff morale, and if
anything goes wrong there is often not enough time to get production back on-line
before business hours anyhow. Also you may not restore the system back to its
required production configuration.
Where practicable, avoid the use of production data:
· Changes to production data affect the tests. Test may no longer have the
results expected as inputs to the test have changed.
· The large volume of production data makes it difficult to detect errors or
track down the cause of errors. For example, imagine trying to check that
a record is inserted into a report in the correct order if there are 10,000
production data records already in the report. What if there were
1,000,000 records.
Managers will push to have production data used. However, it is not the “real ”
properties that is important for testing. The different values in the production data
may not provide sufficient coverage.
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Even for performance and load testing, better control of testing is achieved if test
data is used rather than production data.
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4.2 Test Documentation
Serious software projects are a communications exercise, as there are many
interested parties involved in the testing process.
Any communication dependent activity, such as the testing process, is dependent on
good documentation.
Test documentation, however, must be balanced. Documentation becomes a
tradeoff between a big wall of paper that can be measured in the metres of
documentation, such as the case in some defence projects, and traceable decision
support that guides testers on what activities are performed next and how they are to
perform them.
Test documentation should record:
· what needs to be done
· what has been accomplished
Test documentation also serves as protection against litigation. The courts tend to
look favourably upon organisations that have comprehensive documentation, which
indicates a rigorous process has been followed. However, documentation that
reveals defects in the system, but then which have gone on to be ignored could be
the noose that the layers use to hang you.
Documentation need not necessarily be written documents. For instance, test
documentation in the form of data used by test tools can form effective test
Test documentation is most effective when
· traceable – the reader can trace the development of information and concepts
through the test documentation, beginning from the formulation of an approach in
the test plans, through the design of the test cases, to the result of the executing
the tests recorded in test logs.
· auditable – the test documentation can be evaluated or review to determine
whether the testing is consistent and complete
Manager Testers
Developers Maintainers
Testing depends on good communication between stakeholders.
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As with any product of the software development process, however, there is
significant effort required to keep the documentation up-to-date. Whenever the
software requirements, design or code is modified the test documentation should be
modified accordingly. Otherwise, the test documentation becomes rapidly out-ofdate
and no longer serves can be used to describe the testing performed or what is
required if testing is to be repeated for any parts of the system.
4.2.1 Objectives of Test Documentation
Before test execution commences:
· Define overall testing strategy for a project
· Plan how each level of testing is to be conducted
· Identify what tests are to be carried out
· Define how each test is to be performed
After test execution is conducted:
· Record execution of each test
· Track incidents that arise during testing
· Summarise outcomes of testing activities and make recommendations regarding
quality and acceptability
4.2.2 Test Documentation Standard
IEEE provides comprehensive guidance on the structure of test documentation
The IEEE proposes 7 different kinds of test documents:
· Test plan
· Test design specification
· Test case specification
· Test procedure specification
· Test item transmittal
· Test log
· Test summary report Test Plan
See Section 2.4.2. Test Design Specification
Main sections:
1. Identifier
2. Features to be tested
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3. Approach refinements
4. Test identification
5. Feature pass/fail criteria Test Case Specification
Main sections:
1. Identifier
2. Test items
3. Input specifications
4. Output specifications
5. Environmental needs
6. Special procedural requirements
7. Inter-case dependencies Test Procedure Specification
Main sections:
1. Identifier
2. Purpose
3. Special requirements
4. Procedure steps
4.1 Log
4.2 Setup
4.3 Start
4.4 Proceed
4.5 Measure
4.6 Shutdown
4.7 Restart
Doc Test Case
Test Proc
Test Item
Test Execution
Report Test
Relationships between IEEE test documents.
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4.8 Stop
4.9 Wrap-up
4.10 Contingencies Test Item Transmittal Report
Main sections:
1. Identifier
2. Transmittal items
3. Location
4. Status
5. Approvals Test Log
Main sections:
1. Identifier
2. Description
3. Activity and event entries
3.1. Execution description
3.2. Procedure results
3.3. Environmental information
3.4. Anomalous events
3.5. Incident report identifiers Test Incident Report
Main sections:
1. Identifier
2. Summary
3. Incident description
4. Impact Test Summary Report
Main sections:
1. Identifier
2. Summary
3. Variances
4. Comprehensive assessment
5. Summary of results
6. Evaluation
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7. Summary of activities
8. Approvals
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4.3 Configuration Management and Change
Effective management of the configurations of components used in testing and
control of how changes are applied is crucial to the success of a testing project.
Configuration Management (CM) is the management of the evolution of components
that make up a software development and applies equally to testing as the design
and implementation of the product. CM provides the means for managing integrity
and traceability throughout the development artifacts produced during software
development and testing.
CM is responsible for managing the change process and tracking changes to ensure
the configuration of the product is accurately known at any time.
CM is used to reduce many problems associated with developing software systems
· Inconsistent/Inappropriate configurations released to testers/customers
· Testing an out-of-date component
· Testing the wrong component
· Components changing mid-way through testing
· Inability to track faults back to their originating system configurations
· Untested components used in subsequent development
4.3.1 CM Planning
There are four main activities in defining what CM should be employed:
· Identification
· Control
· Status Accounting
· Audit and Review
These are described in following sections. CM Identification
Identification of all the components and their versions, baselines and configurations
which represent the systems
· Specifications, designs, code
· User manuals, operational instructions, installation procedures
· Inspection reports, change requests, problem statements
· Test plans, stubs, harnesses, test data
Identify the configurations of different components that make up a product. For
example, a parts list describing the versions of subcomponents used
Identify the attributes that can be assigned to components. For example, whether a
variant for a specific platform, such as Windows vs. Unix specific variants.
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Define how the components can be stored in a repository. For example, what
directory hierarchies are used for supporting projects and the different kinds of
information in a project. CM Control
CM control describes how changes to components of software development and
testing activities are controlled. This includes:
· How to access the components. For example, components for release are only
found in a particular repository or directory on the network.
· Who can access components. For example, who has the authority to hand
components over to testers.
· When components can be accessed. For example, the preconditions to be
satisfied before release of the system, such as passing all tests. Similarly, we
might indicate that a configuration of a system under test is frozen and no
changes are allowed until the system is released from test.
· Assessment of the impact of proposed changes. For example, having reviews of
proposed changes made and approval granted prior to changes being made.
CM control is established through defined procedures, for example:
· Configuration Control Boards – to review proposed changes before they are
made, and to review whether the configuration is suitable for release
· Change requests/authorizations – formal records of change proposals CM Status Accounting
Reporting functions for assessing state of the development configuration
Indication of criteria, such as:
· When development phases are complete. For example, reporting criteria that
indicate whether the project manager can assume the system testing phase is
complete, such as statuses of the test summary reports
· Components tested. For instance, a report of all those modules which have
undergone unit testing.
· Work pending. For example, notification that a system configuration has
changed and that testing has not been applied to the new configuration.
· Changes requested. For example, an indication of what changes remain
pending for a component so the project manager may whether the testing should
commence or wait until changes made. CM Audit and Review
CM audit and review verifies whether-:
· The configuration is complete. For example, all components necessary for
testing are included.
· The configuration is a consistent set of parts. For example, the specifications
packaged with a system ready for test are the correct version.
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4.3.2 CM Tools
Turnkey/base systems
· Repositories/version management – supports storing of component and
versions; provide structuring mechanisms for defining hierarchies of
components and configurations of subcomponents
· Build support – supports constructing different “builds ” of the system, (many
based on makefile concept)
· Change request systems – support lodging of change requests and release
of configuration according to a change approval process
· Workflow/team management – support different areas of development
where developers and testers can work without interference through changes
made by other developers; define when components can be accessed and by
Customised systems
· Specifically tailored to organisation needs/process
· Integrated across different CM activities
4.3.3 Tailoring CM
Different organizations have different CM requirements. Even within the same
organisation needs differ and requirements have to be integrated.
Levels of CM:
· Organisational Level – how the company as a whole manages configuration
· Project Level – projects may have different kinds of configurations and different
· Application Level – how different groups in a project might vary, such as testers
needs versus developers
· Individual Level – individuals have their own preferences
4.3.4 Main Considerations for Testing
· Define what components need to be placed under version and change
management for testing
· Define criteria for development handing over components for testing
· Define how testing is isolated from changes to components
· Define mechanisms for testing to be able to specifically identify versions of
components or systems under test
· Define what test documentation needs to be placed under version and change
management and conditions under which changes are allowed.
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
5. White Box
¨ statement, branch and path coverage
¨ loop testing
¨ decision coverage
¨ pros and cons of white-box testing
¨ complexity metrics
5. White Box Testing
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
5.1 Purpose of White-Box Testing
A common goal of tester’s is to exercise every path through a program. However, as
we saw it is infeasible to do this. Recall the simple program with a trillion paths (see
Section 1.5.3).
Rather than attempting to test every conceivable path, white-box testing techniques
attempt to provide mechanisms for selecting particular paths to test.
Quite often white-box testing techniques are associated with test coverage metrics,
which measure the percentage of paths of the selected type that are exercised by
test cases.
It is common in projects that target coverage levels are set to guide the developers
and testers on how thoroughly a program must be tested.
White-box testing is applied at the source code (program) level. Hence the term
white-box, meaning that we can look into the code to find out exactly what logic is
being used to control the application under test. In black-box testing we do not have
the ability to look at the actual logic being used, and must use specification or our
intuition to come up with the test cases.
When looking at the source code during white-box testing, we use the code’s
structure to define what kinds of tests are required. In many cases, tests are
proposed to exercise certain paths through the code and to pass through certain
parts of the code’s structure.
5. White Box Testing
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5.2 Statement, Branch and Path Coverage
Statement coverage, branch coverage and path coverage are white-box testing
techniques that utilise the logical flow through a program to propose test cases. By
logical flow we mean, the way in which certain parts of a program may be executed
as we run the program.
Logical flow of a program can be represented by a flow graph. For instance, the
following shows the flow graph derived from a sample program.
if A then
if B then
end if;
if C then
end if;
end if
The flow graph is made up of:
· Nodes, representing statements (or subprograms) that may be visited during
execution of the program
· Edges, representing the way in which the logic allows the program to pass from
one statement (or subprogram) to another. Edges are directional.
· Branch nodes, nodes which have more than one edge exiting itself.
· Branch edges, edges which exit a branch.
· Paths, the possible ways to move from one node to another by travelling along
Execution of a test case causes the program to execute certain statements, which
corresponds to taking a specific path through the flow graph.
Different paths can be taken by vary the conditions to cause a different branch edge
to be taken from a branch node. This corresponds to varying the test case values
execute different parts of the program.
Branch, statement and path coverage is derived from the execution path of a
program in ways that correspond to visiting nodes, edges and paths within the flow
5. White Box Testing
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5.2.1 Statement Coverage
Statement coverage is determined by assessing the proportion of statements visited
by the set of proposed test cases. 100% statement coverage is where every
statement in the program is visited by at least one test.
Statement coverage corresponds
to visiting the nodes of the graph.
100% coverage is where all nodes
are visited by the paths taken by
the test cases.
There are 10 nodes in the sample
flow graph.
A, B, D, H, K traces one execution
path through the program. It visits
5 of the 10 nodes, thus 50%
Actual statement coverage levels may differ from node coverage levels depending
on the way your graph is defined, e.g. depending on how many statements are
grouped as one node, etc.
5.2.2 Branch Coverage
Branch coverage is determined by assessing the proportion of decision branches
exercised by the set of proposed test cases. 100% branch coverage is where every
decision branch in the program is visited by at least one test.
Branch coverage corresponds to
visiting the branch edges of the
graph. 100% coverage is where
all branch edges are visited by the
paths taken by the test cases.
There are 6 branch edges in the
sample flow graph.
A, B, D, H, K traces one execution
path through the program. It visits
2 of the 6 branch edges, thus 33%
4 4
4 4 4 4
4 4 4
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5.2.3 Path Coverage
Path coverage is determined by assessing the proportion of execution paths through
a program exercised by the set of proposed test cases. 100% path coverage is
where every path in the program is visited by at least one test.
Path coverage corresponds to
visiting the paths through the
graph. 100% coverage is where
all paths are taken by the test
There are 4 paths in the sample
flow graph.
A, B, D, H, K traces one execution
path through the program. It visits
1 of the 4 paths, thus 25%
5.2.4 Statement, Branch and Path Coverage Differences
It is possible to have 100% statement coverage without 100% branch coverage.
All nodes are visited, without visiting
all branch edges.
Example corresponds to program:
if A then B;
Note that there is no else part.
It is possible to have 100% branch coverage without 100% path coverage.
All branch edges are visited, without
visiting all paths.
Example corresponds to program:
if A then B else C;
if D then E else F;
Two paths visit all branch edges, but
there are 4 possible paths through
the graph.
Where 100% path coverage is
achieved, 100% branch coverage is
4 4 4 4
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achieved by default.
Where 100% branch coverage is achieved, 100% statement coverage is achieved by
5.2.5 Designing Tests for Coverage
1. Analyse source code to derive flow graph
2. Propose test paths to achieve coverage from the flow graph
3. Evaluate test conditions to achieve each path
4. Propose input and output values based on conditions
5.2.6 Case Study
Consider the following program that performs a Binary Search.
The program works by first choosing the middle point of the array. It then compares
the value at that point to the key. If it matches then the program exits and reports the
key found at the middle position.
If no match is made at the middle position then the value at the middle position is
compared to the key.
procedure Binary_Search (Key : ELEM; T : ELEM_ARRAY;
Found : in out BOOLEAN; L : in out ELEM_INDEX ) is
- - Assume that T’FIRST and T’LAST are both
- - than or equal to zero and T’LAST >= T’FIRST
L := (T’FIRST + T’LAST) mod 2;
Found := T(L) = Key;
while Bot <= Top and not Found loop
Mid := (Top + Bot) mod 2;
if T( Mid ) = Key then
Found := true;
L := Mid;
elsif T( Mid ) < Key then
Bot := Mid + 1;
Top := Mid – 1;
end if;
end loop;
end Binary_Search;
5. White Box Testing
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· If it is less than the key, then the key will only be found above the middle position
and the bottom, middle and top values of the array and changed and the search
continued based on these new settings.
· If it is greater than the key, then the key must be in the lower half of the array,
and the bottom, middle and top settings are changed to look in that part of the
array repeating the search.
The following illustrates the steps in searching.
Iteration 0:
Iteration 1:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T =
Key = 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T =
Bot L Top
T(L) = 5
Found = FALSE
Key = 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T =
Bot L,
T(Mid) = 5
Found = FALSE
Key = 6
5. White Box Testing
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Iteration 2:
Iteration 3:
Exit Program (Found = TRUE; L = 6):
The flow graph for this program is as follows:
while Bot <= Top and not Found
if T(Mid) = Key then
if T(Mid) < Key then
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T =
Bot L Top
T(Mid) = 8
Found = FALSE
Key = 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T =
T(Mid) = 6
Found = TRUE
Key = 6
L = 6
5. White Box Testing
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Note that in the flow graph above, some statements have been merged into single
nodes. Propose Coverage Paths
One path can provide 100% statement and branch coverage (100% path coverage is
not feasible):
· A, B, C, E, F, H, J, B, C, E, G, H, J, B, C, D, J, B, I
This path corresponds to the example illustrated above.
In most cases, it is unlikely that you can choose one case that will work this way.
Some combinations of paths will not be achievable within the one test case.
For example, the following path would give 100% statement and branch coverage
based on the flow graph:
· A, B, C, D, J, B, C, E, F, H, J, B, C, E, G, H, J, B, I
However, once you sit down and try to turn this in to a test case you realise that this
path is not possible. The B, C, D, J iteration at the start would mean that no further
iterations of the loop would occur. In fact, the first iteration of the loop will never
satisfy T(Mid) = Key as this fact is discounted before entering the loop (i.e. T(L) =
In general, it is better to come up with simple test cases that look at different areas of
coverage separately.
For example, start with a simple single iteration of the loop, such as a test that has to
move the mid point once to the left before finding the key in the array. Inputs for this
test can be specified quite simply, and upon analysis will result in coverage using the
· A, B, C, E, G, H, J, B, C, D, J, B, I
This leaves only a path that visits node F to achieve 100% path coverage. This
could be a similar test case, that instead looks to the once to the right before finding
the key in the array:
· A, B, C, E, F, H, J, B, C, D, J, B, I
It is much simpler to come up with these simpler cases, than it is to consider the one
long path that achieves 100% coverage in one hit. Analysing Paths for Test Case Values
It is possible to work backwards from a path to obtain a test case, but it takes some
analysis. However, this may be required when your guesses at test cases still aren’t
covering the path you require that fulfil coverage requirements.
To analyse the path, you need to develop an understanding of the conditions in the
program that force that path to be taken, and you must be able to trace the path
through the program and record the decisions that are made to stay on the path.
Let’s assume that you propose a path that doesn’t enter the loop:
· A, B, I
In this path the loop is not executed and at node B the loop condition fails on the first
attempt. Thus we can deduce that the loop condition
5. White Box Testing
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
Bot <= Top and not Found
was FALSE.
This means that for this path to be taken we must have test inputs that either result
· Bot > Top – the input array is empty
· Found – the key was found on first access, i.e. the middle of the array was the
In either case, the tester would need to build input values that satisfy the required
condition to follow the path. However, it gets more difficult as the paths get longer.
Test case inputs and expected outputs for the paths suggested above, namely:
· A, B, C, E, G, H, J, B, C, D, J, B, I
· A, B, C, E, F, H, J, B, C, D, J, B, I
are left as an exercise.
As you can see, deducing test case values is difficult, and is somewhat similar to
debugging. However, by going through this process you will potentially find
problems, even before you execute a single test case on the running program.
5.2.7 Review of Coverage Example
Difficult to determine what paths are feasible and test case values to satisfy paths.
This requires a solid understanding of the program logic to develop the inputs
required to progress down a certain path. Easier to have a number of smaller paths,
which together give the coverage level required.
Typically, the statement, branch and path coverage is not conducted by first
analysing the program. It is more typical to apply some test cases, such as those
proposed by black-box testing techniques, analyse the statement, branch and path
coverage achieved, and then analyse the program to deduce additional test cases
required using a white-box approach.
Sufficiency of test cases is questionable using these coverage techniques. For
example, haven’t covered when the array doesn’t have a value which is equal to the
key, and didn’t consider when the array is empty (i.e. Bot > Top). Didn’t cover loops
in detail.
5. White Box Testing
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5.3 Loop Testing
Loops easily lead to programs in which it is not feasible to test all paths. A
combinatorial explosion of paths are required whenever loops are introduced. Refer
to example in Section 1.5.
To decide what paths of a loop to test there a number of guidelines.
5.3.1 Basis Path Testing
Basis paths provide mechanism to tackle path testing involving loops
Represents short circuit of the loop
Represent a loop in which only one iteration is performed
Basis paths represents atomic components of all paths. All possible paths are
combinations and sequences of basis paths.
In testing loops based on basis paths, the tester should aim to exercise each basis
path with at least one test. Both zero-path and one-path basis paths should be
Combinations and sequences of basis paths do not need to be exercised by a test.
They are assumed to be covered by combinations and sequences of already tested
basis paths Basis Path Example
Again looking at our binary search program:
while Bot <= Top and not Found
if T(Mid) = Key then
if T(Mid) < Key then
5. White Box Testing
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The basis paths for this program consist of the following:
· B, C
· B, C, D, J
· B, C, E, F, H, J
· B, C, E, G, H, J
Tests would be developed to exercise these paths. This would follow a similar
approach as to designing tests to provide statement, branch or path coverage. Basis Path Testing Issues
Basis path testing doesn’t consider:
· Proper loop termination (e.g. reaching maximum value). The paths considered
need only consider one pass through the loop. This may miss problems to do
with proper loop termination.
· Switching between conditions used in each iteration. When passing from one
iteration of the loop to the next, problems introduced through changing the
conditions between the iteration may be missed.
5.3.2 Beizer’s Loop Tests [Bei95a]
Beizer [Bei95a] proposes a number of other loop iteration test categories:
Bypass: any value that causes loop to be exited immediately
Once: values that cause the loop to be executed exactly once
Twice: values that cause the loop to be executed exactly twice
Typical: a typical number of iterations
Max: the maximum number of allowed iterations
Max + 1: one more than the maximum allowed
Max - 1: one less than the maximum allowed
Min: the minimum number iterations required
Min + 1: one more than the minimum required
Min - 1: one less than the minimum required
Null: one with a null or empty value for number of iterations
Negative: one with a negative value for number of iterations
Some cases may overlap, or not apply to each loop, e.g. Bypass with
Min/Null/Negative, etc.
5. White Box Testing
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5.4 Branch Condition Testing
Identifies individual boolean operands within decisions. These decisions are typically
conditions used within if-then-else or while (loop) statements.
Tests exercise individual and combinations of boolean operand values
Example, and if-then-else statement:
if A or (B and C) then
In this case the decision is A or (B and C). The boolean operands are A, B and C.
5.4.1 Branch Condition Coverage
Branch condition coverage has a set of tests which have tested each operand for
both its TRUE and FALSE outcome.
For the example decision above, A or (B and C):
Test Case A B C Outcome
· Can often be achieved without exercising both decision outcomes
In the above example, the outcome of the decision is TRUE in both cases.
· Can often be achieved with just two cases.
For example:
Test Case A B C Outcome
5.4.2 Branch Condition Combination Coverage
Branch condition combination coverage looks at covering all combinations of TRUA
and FALSE values for all operands.
For the example decision above, A or (B and C):
Test Case A B C Outcome
5. White Box Testing
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Branch condition combination coverage requires 2n cases for n operands for 100%
· 2 case for 1 operand
· 4 case for 2 operands
· 8 case for 3 operands
· 16 case for 4 operands
· 32 case for 4 operands
· 64 case for 4 operands
· and so on …
Rapidly becomes infeasible for more complex conditions.
5.4.3 Modified Condition Decision Coverage
Pragmatic compromise that requires fewer test cases than branch condition
Used widely in avionics software. Required by aviation standard RTCA/DO-178B.
Intended to show that each boolean operand can independently affect the decision
outcome. Each operand is changed between values true and false, while keeping
the other operands some selected fixed value. The outcome should be shown to be
different for the changed operand. This may require searching for the fixed values to
assign to the other operands to make this happen.
For example, decision outcome = A or (B and C)
Changing the value of operand A, and keeping B and C the same:
Case A B C Outcome
Changing the value of operand B, and keeping A and C the same:
Case A B C Outcome
Changing the value of operand C, and keeping A and B the same:
Case A B C Outcome
100% coverage requires:
· minimum of n+1 test cases
5. White Box Testing
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· maximum of 2n test cases
Using example above, minimal tests: A1 & B1 same, B2 & C1 same
Case A B C Outcome
5.4.4 Condition Coverage Issues
In program source code, the placement of boolean conditions may be outside the
decision point. For example:
FLAG := A or (B and C)
if FLAG then …
In this case, a variation is to test for all boolean expressions. For above this means
testing for boolean expressions:
· A or (B and C)
Some compilers introduce optimisation that may make it difficult to show coverage
for all operands. For example, C and C++ have short-circuit operators && and that
do not work exactly the same as a conventional “and” and “or ” (they may skip
analysing the second operand).
Other decision structures may introduce difficulties. For example, case and switch
5. White Box Testing
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
5.5 White-Box Techniques Conclusions
White-box testing is useful for analysing particular paths in programs to exercise
them with test cases
It most cases white-box testing gives rise to large number of test cases. This is
because the tests are to cover a large number of execution paths through the code.
White-box testing is typically used in conjunction with black-box techniques. After
applying black-box tests, analysis is made of white-box test coverage levels. This
shows up areas in which black-box testing may have been inadequate, basically
parts of the program that were not executed by black-box tests. Additional test
cases may then be proposed to boost the level of coverage.
The techniques can be applied to specification which have similar characteristics of
program flow and decisions. For instance, statement, branch and path coverage
could be applied to flow charts or transaction flow diagrams, or decision coverage
could be applied to specification truth tables.
5.5.1 Pros and Cons of White-Box Testing
· Easier to identify decisions, and equivalence classes that are being used in the
logic than with black-box testing
· More objective than black box testing, different people deriving test cases will
arrive at corresponding results
· Automated tools available to propose paths to test and to monitor coverage as
the code is tested
· Incorrect code gives rise to tests that do not conform to expected operation as
· Can’t detect wrong function being implemented, or missing functions or code.
· Need to have a good understanding of the code to understand the meaning of
each test path through the code
· Some paths are difficult to visit
· Doesn’t consider interfacing issues
· Need access to the code
· Impossible to test “spaghetti code” or “pacincko code” as there are excessive
numbers of paths
· Problems with multiple processes, threads, interrupts, event processing
· Dynamically changing data and code is difficult to analyse
· Only practical at low levels, for whole systems the number of paths through a
whole program is incredibly large
5. White Box Testing
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
5.6 Complexity Metrics
Many complexity metrics can be used to provide a basis to determine how
thoroughly a program should be tested.
The assumption used in complexity metrics is how difficult will it be to develop or
analyse a portion of a program. Such assumptions have a close correlation to the
number of defects that will be attributed to that part of the program. The more
complex it is, the more defects you could expect to find.
Typically complexity metrics are based on combination of size of the program and
complexity of the logic used to control the program.
Complexity metrics should be used as a guide to those areas of the system that
should be scrutinised more thoroughly (apply more testing).
Complexity metrics can be used as an input for risk-based testing. High complexity
would lead us to assume higher likelihood of failure. By breaking down a system to
programs we can use the programs complexity as a component of the likelihood
factor used in calculating risk levels.
In defining the risk level, the tester still needs to assess the impact of the failures for
each program, as well as the likelihood of the defect turning into a failure. When
considering likelihood, are there other external events before things really go wrong,
for instance, is the program in question only used in rare circumstances.
Higher complexity also leads to a higher chance of finding errors in the program, as
they are more likely to exist. This means that testing in high complexity areas will
typically have higher defect discovery productivity.
The following sections go through a number of complexity metrics used in industry
You may develop you own complexity metrics based on your own experience. For
instance, in Year 2000 testing, you may count the number of date processing
routines used by each function. Then when conducting your Year 2000 tests this
information will tell you which function may have greater use of date processing.
5.7 Lines of Code
Simple metric: count number of lines of code in program and use count as measure
of complexity.
Scientific studies [Lip82a]:
· Small programs have error rate of 1.3% to 1.8%
· Large programs have error rate increasing from 2.7% to 3.2%
· Not too accurate based on error assumptions
· Better than a sheer guess
· What to include? Comments, declarations
· Weigh the listing, punched-hole metrics (sarcastic analysis)
5. White Box Testing
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
5.7.1 McCabe’s Complexity Metrics
McCabe’s metric counts the number of decision statements in a program (and adds
If module A has 6 if-then-else statements then it has complexity of 7
Complexity is additive. Module A has complexity of 7 and module B has complexity
of 9, their combination is complexity of 16
Case statements
· complexity of one less than number of choices
· conversion to if-then-else statements
· Myers’ [Mye79a] proposal for complex decisions, each sub-decision is a decision
in its own right, e.g. (not EOF) AND (Count >= 20), has 2 separate decisions
rather than 1
· Simple to count
· Relates to the number of paths through a program
Scientific studies
· 23% of routines with complexity > 10 account for 53% of errors; routines of
complexity > 10 had 21% more errors per lines of code than those < 10 [Wal79a]
· More scrutiny to programs with complexity greater than 10
· Better than lines of code
· Doesn’t distinguish between different types of control flow, e.g. CASE statement,
loops, if statement nesting
5.7.2 Halstead’s Metrics
Halstead’s metric is based on the use of operators (e.g. keywords) and operands
(e.g. variable names, data base objects) in a program
n1 = number of distinct operators in program
n2 = number of distinct operands in program
Halstead program length: H = n1 log2 n1 + n2 log2 n2
N1 = program operator count
N2 = program operand count
Bug prediction
B = (N1 + N2) log2 (n1 + n2) / 3000
5. White Box Testing
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
· accesses 75 data-base objects a total of 1300 times
· uses 150 operators a total of 1200 times
· B = (1300 + 1200) log2 (75 + 150) / 3000 = 6.5 bugs
Also predictions for time and effort
Scientific studies
· Shown to be twice as good as lines of code
· Not improved by augmenting with lines of code or McCabe’s complexity
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
6. Incident Tracking[KR14]
¨ life cycle of an incident
¨ incident reports
¨ incident tracking systems
¨ incident status reporting
¨ incident analysis
6. Incident Tracking 112
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
6.1 Purpose of Incident Tracking
· Mechanism for identifying and recording potential defects in systems under test
· Ensuring that problems and defects are addressed appropriately and in a timely
· Provide mechanisms to monitor defects and discover areas in which
improvements could be made for a better quality product
6.1.1 What is an “Incident”
Any event or unexpected behaviour of a system under test that requires further
Sometimes called:
· Defect
· Error
· Problem
· Anomaly
· Opportunity!!
6.2 Incident Tracking Activities
6.2.1 Process
Testing Incidents Incident
Change to
6. Incident Tracking 113
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6.2.2 Incident Report
Fundamental object in incident tracking
Example from [Kan93a]
DATE __ / __ / __
PROGRAM _________________________________________________ _ RELEASE ____ VERSION ___
1 - Coding error 4 – Documentation I – Fatal If yes, describe
2 - Design issue 5 – Hardware 2 – Serious ________________________
3 - Suggestion 6 – Query 3 – Minor ________________________
PROBLEM SUMMARY ___________________________________________________________________________
PROBLEM AND HOW TO REPRODUCE IT __________________________________________________________
SUGGESTED FIX (optional) ________________________________________________________________________
REPORTED BY________________________
FUNCTIONAL AREA __________________________ ASSIGNED TO ____________________________
COMMENTS ____________________________________________________________________________________
STATUS(1-2) ___ PRIORITY(1-5) ______
I - Open 2 - Closed
I - Pending 4 - Deferred 7 - Withdrawn by reporter
2 - Fixed S - As designed 8 - Need more info
3 - Irreproducible 6 - Can't be fixed 9 - Disagree with suggestion
DATE __ / __ / __
DATE __ / __ / __
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6.2.3 Resolution Outcomes for Incident Reports
Pending Incident yet to be resolved
Fixed When the incident has been eliminated
Irreproducible When the incident cannot be recreated
Deferred Incident is acknowledged, but not to be fixed until the
next release
As designed The ncident is not an error, but reflects the intended
operation of the system
Withdrawn by
The originator feels that the incident report should
never have been raised.
Need more info The originator is requested to provide more info
Disagree with
No change to the design will be made
Duplicate Closes incident as being duplicated by another incident
report. Cross-references should be provided.
6.2.4 Activities
Management Analysis
6. Incident Tracking 115
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd. Identification
While under test or during general use the system may exhibit behaviour that is
· the user (hereafter called the originator) can raise an incident report
· formally initiates an assessment of the unexpected behaviour Assessment
Each incident raised is assessed
· to determine whether it is to be considered a defect that requires resolution
· to determine the impact of unexpected behaviour Resolution
The system is modified to remove the defect and resolve the incident
May involve modification to:
· code
· data / configuration
· documentation Validation
After modification the repaired system undergoes a retest:
· to check that the incident was resolved
· to check that other problems related to the incident have been considered in
the resolution
· to check that the resolution has not unexpectedly affected other parts of the
system Management
Overall generation and assessment of reports summarising collective defect data
The purposes of the report include:
· Ensuring that all defects are addressed as soon as practicable.
· Estimating the progress of defect resolution
· Estimating effectiveness of the testing process
· Estimating the reliability of aspects of the system under test Analysis
Each defect is analysed to determine
· how the defect may have originally been inserted into the system
6. Incident Tracking 116
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· why the defect may have been previously overlooked
Purpose is to assess defects to determine whether the development process could
be improved to help prevent similar defects being introduced in the future.
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6.3 Incident Life Cycles
The following sections describe stages in the life cycle of an incident report (derived
from [Kan93a]).
6.3.1 Report the incident
Write incident report
· Find incident
· Investigate in enough detail to provide clear description
Enter incident report
· Entered directly; or
· Entered by someone else
6.3.2 Send incident report to project manager
Incident reports made available for project manager review
Normal actions
1. Evaluate
2. Set priority
3. Add comments
4. Allocate to programmer(s)
Alternatives actions
· Return to originator for more detail
· Mark as Deferred, As-Designed or Irreproducible
6.3.3 Send incident report to programmers
Programmer investigates incident with a goal to:
· Fix the cause of the incident
· Explain why the incident shouldn’t be fixed - may ask for more info
6.3.4 When the incident is (allegedly) fixed
Programmer has marked the incident as fixed
Submit for retest
· If passes retest then confirm fixed
· If fails retest then set status to pending
· If other problems found in retest raise new problem reports and crossreference
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6.3.5 Deferrals and the appeal process
The incident is recognised, but choice made not to fix yet
Explanation for deferral provided in comments
Referral review meetings should be conducted to review referred problems prior to
· Include marketing, tech support, etc.
6.3.6 Incidents that aren’t being addressed
Some incident reports get lost, other deliberately set aside, some assigned a low
priority and forgotten
Circulate summary reports regularly to remind of not-yet-resolved problems
Review summary reports in detail prior to release
6.4 Incident Status Reports
Reports state
· how many incidents found through the project
· how many still outstanding
· how many deferred compared to how many fixed
· how many found by testers and how many by others
· progress each week as well as cumulative total
Help managers evaluate:
· quality of programming effort
· current reliability of the product
· effectiveness of the testing effort
· rate of discovery of new incidents compared to rate of fixing incidents (to
project likely completion date)
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6.4.1 Incidents Raised (Count)
6.4.2 Incidents Raised - Trends
Rayleigh Curve
· Expected shape
· Tests being executed steadily
· Tests spread evenly across system
· No changes during test
· Learning curve at start
· Slow continuous decline
Reverse Rayleigh Curve
· Problems in starting testing
· Little defects early on
– Premature confidence in system
· Lots of defects later
– Panic to meet deadline
Squiggle Curve
· Simulataneous testing and
· Later increases are incidents resulting
from modifications introduced
Tests Run
6. Incident Tracking 120
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Late Increase
· Near end of schedule
· Motivation by testers to find extra
problems prior to release
6.4.3 Incident Raised - Variable Effort
6.4.4 Actual Project Data
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 5th Qtr 6th Qtr 7th Qtr
Tests Run
6. Incident Tracking 121
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6.4.5 Incidents by Testing Type
6.4.6 Effectiveness by Function
New feature
Guerrilla Tests Configuration
Beta Tests Other (nonconfiguration
Config DB GUI Network Calc
No. Incidents
% Tests Planned
% Code Coverage
6. Incident Tracking 122
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6.4.7 Incident Closure
The closer the incidents fixed curve to the incidents raised curve the more efficiently
defects are being fixed after being raised
· Sufficient resources assigned to debugging and maintenance
· Effective debugging and maintainability of the code
Actual Project Data
Incidents Raised
Incidents Fixed
6. Incident Tracking 123
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Incident Status History (Cumulative)
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 5th Qtr 6th Qtr 7th Qtr
Awaiting Retest
6. Incident Tracking 124
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6.4.8 Summary Reports
Weekly summary of new incident reports
Weekly summary of incident status
Weekly Report - New Incidents 17/6/98
System: Test Studio Release: 1.0.3
Component: General
moderate TS108 Windows keep getting located further down and right of
the last time and eventually start sliding off page.
Component: Configuration
moderate TS106 Type definitions project specific
Component: Generic Editor
major TS103 80 character string types only supports 48 characters
critical TS104 Unsaved fields when creating new incident report
minor TS105 Object Field Description Undisplayed
major TS110 Slow response on cross-reference queries under load
Component: Generic Reviewer
critical TS107 Review operations don't change state
Component: Class Query Viewer
major TS109 Performance of class query viewers are slow when
loaded up.
Weekly Report - Incident Status 17/6/98
System: Test Studio Release: 1.0.3
Last report dated: 10/6/98
Now Last Report
Critical 34 44
Major 88 109
Moderate 79 82
Minor 55 71
No. found since last report: 47
No. fixed since last report: 55
No. deferred since last report: 2
Total no. deferred: 45
6. Incident Tracking 125
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Weekly summary of outstanding incidents
End of test cycle
Weekly Report - Outstanding Incidents 17/6/98
System: Test Studio Release: 1.0.3
Severity: Critical
3/6/98 TS104 Unsaved fields when creating new incident report
13/6/98 TS107 Review operations don't change state
Severity: Major
3/6/98 TS103 80 character string types only supports 48 characters
15/6/98 TS109 Performance of class query viewers are slow when
loaded up
17/6/98 TS110 Slow response on cross-reference queries under load
Severity: Moderate
15/6/98 TS108 Windows keep getting located further down and right of
the last time and eventually start sliding off page.
12/6/98 TS106 Type definitions project specific
Severity: Minor
8/6/98 TS105 Object Field Description Undisplayed
Test Cycle Complete 25/7/98
System: Test Studio Release: 1.0.3
incidents before
this version
Critical 26 18 28 16
Major 65 49 62 52
Moderate 55 38 42 51
Minor 41 28 18 51
Resolution in this cycle:
Fixed 91
Irreproducible 12
Deferred 26
Other 21
6. Incident Tracking 126
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6.4.9 Incident Analysis[KR15]
Defect type (sample)
Phase introduced (sample)
6. Incident Tracking 127
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Root cause (sample)
Detection deferral (sample)
Lack of experience
Lacks in input
Lacks in
Ommission in
Fault in input
Omitted review
Insufficient Review
Omitted new test
Omitted regression
6. Incident Tracking 128
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6.5 Incident Tracking System Functional
· Support activities involved in capturing, assessing, resolving and analysing
· Maintain a defect repository, and record history of defect resolution.
· Provide capability to query and browse through defects
· Report defect statistics and compile evidence for defect predictions
· Provide capability to add notes, comments and attachments to defects
· Support coordination of defect activities amongst different project staff
· Link defects to other project attributes such as system versions, test cases
subcomponents, developers, testers, system documentation, etc.
· Integrate with version control tools
· Provide external interfaces, such as email, internet, etc.
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
7. Automated Test
¨ Types of tools
¨ Demo of test tool
¨ Pros and cons of test automation
¨ Short term V’s long-term efficiency
¨ Test tool adoption
¨ Regression testing
7. Automated Test Tools 130
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
7.1 Introduction
What is Automated Testing
· Tools used to streamline the process and documentation
· Tools used to streamline the execution of tests
· Tools used to streamline the gathering of metrics
Offers significant improvements in productivity
· in managing the processes
· in minimising human involvement
· in replicating work
Automated testing is the fastest growing area of the test industry
7. Automated Test Tools 131
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7.2 Types of Testing Tools[KR18][KR19]
Test automation tools
· Record tests and replays them to compare results
· Script together test procedures
Test management tools
· plan, design and document tests
Test analysis tools
· Analyse code and specifications for test coverage, path and complexity analysis
· Syntax checkers, code scanning tools, debuggers, test data generation tools, etc.
7. Automated Test Tools 132
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7.3 Automated Test Execution
What is a test?
· Comparison of actual results against expected results
Test automation supports
· recording test cases
· rerunning test cases
· comparing results
· reporting outcome
Test Capture / Playback most common
7. Automated Test Tools 133
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7.4 Test Capture/Playback Tools
7.4.1 Demo
Two types of tool
· Host system (green screen)
Will demo using TALC2000 from Tallecom Software
· Client-server system (GUI)
Will demo using SQA Robot from Rational Software
· To illustrate types of support
· To demonstrate test construction concepts
– Test creation
– Test validations
– Test execution
– Test results
– Test composition
– Regression test
Capture User
s Validation
7. Automated Test Tools 134
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7.5 Why Test Automation
· Tight deadline
· Tests repeated many times
· Testing can be run 24 hours a day
– Not just business hours
· Faster and more accurate
– Eliminates human tester inconsistency
· Documented results
– Full audit trail
– Logging of errors
· Tests scripts will be an asset
– Not just an expense
· Quicker test turn-around
· Enables Incremental process
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7.6 Regression Testing
· Testing date related changes is not enough
– Up to 60% of all system modifications inadvertently introduce new defects
(Software Engineering Institute – Bellcore Study)
For every 6 lines of code modified a new error will be introduced
· Must consider impact on functionality for each change
– May not be related to change made
· Manual Testing limits regression testing carried out
– Only about 10% of test cases will be rerun
· Automation shown to improve cost and effectiveness of retest
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7.7 What To Automate
· Easy cases first
· More complex cases as skills build
· Some tests will remain manual
· Always be practical
7.7.1 Splitting Test Sets
Look at building two sets of tests
· Sanity tests
– Run before the full testing is started to determine if the system is ready to go
through full testing
– Run quickly, less than an hour
– Checks that no unexpected surprises are encountered
· Full testing
– Complete set of tests
– May take many hours or even days to complete
7.7.2 Key Automation Requirements
· Resilience to changes in system.
– Robust with respect to window position movements, button position, etc.
· Anticipate user interface changes
– Modularise so that changed parts can be swapped easily
· False positives (intolerable)
· False negatives (minor amount acceptable)
Error Recovery
· Unattended testing requires handling of errors that leave system in unexpected
· Restore system to base state and continue testing
– Test case independence - not dependent on earlier tests
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7.7.3 Control of Test Environment
Automated testing doesn’t support variation in system operation, after all that ’s what
the tools are designed to detect.
Important to have good control of test data and application
· Isolate system under test from other systems that cause unexpected behaviour
· Control input databases and files to avoid variability in test data
– Avoid use of production databases and files as these change from day to
day. New records added and may prevent previous tests from running
7. Automated Test Tools 138
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7.8 Efficiency of Automated Testing
Improvements in productivity are gained through
· A test can be duplicated/parameterised for different cases
· Useful for load and stress testing to duplicate large quantity of tests
· The same test is repeated many times
· Useful for regression testing to ensure modifications have not adversely affected
the system
7.8.1 Manual vs. Automated Effort
Many studies have shown varying relationships between effort
Effort Scenario
· One 30 minute test rerun 3 times
Net saving is 58 minutes or 27%.
Quality Assurance Institute study [QAQ95a]
· 1750 test cases finding 700 errors
Activity Manual Test Time
(time units)
Automated Test Time
(time units)
Initial Test Preparation 1 2 - 3
Test Execution 1 .1 - .2
Test Maintenance 1 2 - 3
Re-Test 1 .1 - .2
Test Results Checking 1 .1 - .2
Test Documentation 1 .1 - .2
Activity Manual Test Time
Automated Test Time
Initial Test Preparation 20 60
Test Execution (1st time) 30 6
Test Maintenance 5 x 3 15 x 3
Re-Test (3 times) 30 x 3 6 x 3
Test Results Checking
(all 4 tests)
10 x 4 5 x 4
Test Documentation 20 4
Total 215 157
7. Automated Test Tools 139
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Test Steps Manual Testing Automated
Percent Improvement
with Tools
Test Plan Development 32 40 -25%
Test Case Development 262 117 55%
Test Execution 466 23 95%
Test Results Analysis 117 58 50%
Error Status/Correction
117 23 80%
Report Creation 96 16 83%
Total Duration (Hours) 1090 277 75%
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7.9 Pros and Cons of Automated Testing
· Enables more thorough testing
– Improved regression testing
· Time to develop new/improved tests
– Shorten duration for testing
– Improve time to market
· Improve productivity of scarce resources
– Testers are hard to find and expensive
– Improves morale
· Reduces tester error and oversights
– Not detecting wrong output
– Sloppy fingers in keystrokes
· Provides an detailed test log and audit trail
– Records test execution precisely for debugging process
· Time and effort to setup tests initially
– Must be run 2 - 3 times to recover costs
– Pressures to drop automation when deadline is close
· Maintenance of test cases
– Modification is system behaviour must be matched
– Avoid volatile features
· Learning curve
– May be several weeks before proficiency is achieved
· Doesn’t eliminate manual testing
Typical to not automate more than 50 - 75% of test cases (depending on
· Easy to focus on tests that are simple to automate
– Avoid coverage of difficult high risk cases
· Investment cost
– Can be as high as $30000 for a single user license
· Technical limitations
– Specific to particular environment, e.g. Unix, PC
– Application type, e.g. GUI, text only, networking, web
– Changes in timing and responses
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· Ease-of-use
– Some are programmer oriented and not suited for end-users
· Lack of stability and support
– Vendors not quick in responding to bugs
– Lack of experienced users in the marketplace
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7.10 Adoption Process
Many tools are bought and left on the shelf. They become very expensive pieces of
office furniture.
Steps towards adoption:
1. Assess needs and get high-level management commitment
– Make clear pros and cons
2. Contact vendors and assess high-level capability of tools
– Tools are specific to different platforms or languages
– Some tools require re-linking libraries
3. Assess costs and budget commitment
– Tools range in price from $500 to $30000 per seat
– Training $2000 per day up (some $5000 per day)
4. Evaluate products for own environment
– Define specific technical criteria for own requirements
– Common for 14, 30, 90 day evaluation licenses
5. Contact reference sites
– Quite often they are selected by the vendor and will be favourable
– Try requests on email lists and news groups
6. Negotiate investment
– Factor in total price of licenses, maintenance and support, training,
consulting and contract staff
7. Initial purchase and pilot
– Assess use on single project
– Establish processes, performance and estimation indicators
– Removed from critical path of project
8. Broader use and additional investment
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7.11 Automation Readiness
Many organisations will leap to take advantage of productivity improvements without
being first being ready. However, before tools can be successful, a level of testing
maturity must be in place in your organisation.
Make sure your organisation avoids the pitfalls by ensuring the following are
· Identified a need for automated testing
– Can you cost justify the effort to move to automation
– Do you have metrics that indicate the level of testing already being
undertaken, and to gauge any improvements
– Are you testers complaining of repetitiveness of executing tests manually
· Organisational support
– Is there sufficient resource and budget to purchase tools, undertake training,
and to conduct an evaluation
– Supportive and understanding management essential
· Have established testing expertise already in place
– Test automation doesn’t tell you what tests to run
Still have to design tests, doesn't tell you what tests to implement
– Requires process that is stable, well-defined and well-managed
– Can’t turn chaos into order
– Need supporting processes in place, e.g. configuration management of test
· Invest in sufficient training to proficiently use the tool
– Often the testers fight with their own lack of knowledge
– Budgeting for ongoing training is also important for new staff
· Run a pilot project
– Avoid immediately employing in critical path
– Give testers a chance to experiment
– Productivity not evident straight-away (lessons to be learned)
· Stability of application
– Functionality is frequently changing and it is infeasible to create tests that do
not require constant maintenance
· Specialised skills and support available
– Existing testers may not have programming skill required to control some
– Contractors and consultants with experience available
· Avoid fear of organisational change
7. Automated Test Tools 144
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– Many developers resent change in practices as they fear personal/career
– Frequently undermine tool adequacy
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
8. Test Management[KR20]
¨ composition of the test group
¨ estimating effort and cost
¨ scheduling activity and monitoring progress
¨ allocating resources
¨ test completion criteria
8. Test Management 146
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
8.1 Composition of the Test Group[KR21]
The testing group is comprised of:
Test manager
· To manage the testing project
Application end-users
· Provide domain expertise
Software developers
· To create harnesses, stubs, simulators, oracles, etc
Test tool / environment experts
· Specific tool and environment support for the test group
Test consultants
· To advise on strategy, methodology
8.1.1 Independent Testing
Testing group is most effective when independent of the development group.
Focus of development is to deliver product on time and in budget.
Independent test group responsibility is to protect the organisation from releasing
faulty software.
In many cases the independent test group can reduce the pressure on development to
release when they are not ready, e.g. functions not stable yet
Differences Developer Tester
Understanding Has a deep understanding of the
system (perhaps already
misinterpreting requirements)
Must spend significant time learning
the system
Viewpoint Will test primarily based on the
implementation knowledge of the
system (less likely to find
requirements errors). I.e. looks at
the testing based in what they
have built (structural view)
Usually tests independent of the
implementation structure supported.
I.e. looks at the testing based on
what must be built (functional view).
Drive Driven by delivery schedule Driven to break the system
8. Test Management 147
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
8.1.2 Tester Morale
· Minimise conflict with developers
– Describe problems in great detail
– Avoid developer finding excuse to ignore problem
· Don’t just focus on getting tasks done to schedule
Praise quality work
· Develop a group culture that values testing as a professional activity
· Shield your group
– Deal with problematic developers or managers personally rather than leaving
the tester to take the blame
· Don’t let project manager beat your test group into tight schedules or unworkable
8. Test Management 148
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
8.2 Estimating Effort and Cost[KR22]
8.2.1 Estimation methods
Boehm [Boe81a] discusses a number of software engineering estimation methods that
apply equally to software testing:
Algorithmic models
· Mathematical function over a number of variables considered to be cost drivers
· Algorithms extracted from data analysis
– May be simple as a graph mapping project function points against time
spent testing
4 objective, not influenced by emotion, calibrated on previous experience
8 previous data not always representative of future projects, e.g. new
application, new platform
8 unable to deal with exceptional conditions, e.g. greater effectiveness of team
Expert judgement
· consult one or more experts, who, using their experience and understanding of
the project, arrive at an estimate
· may use different estimation techniques
– group consensus, delphi, wideband delphi
4 can identify differences between past and current projects, and exceptional
8 subjective, suffers from biases, optimism, pessimism, unfamiliarity with actual
Parkinsonian Estimation
· Work expands to fill the available volume - Parkinson’s law (1957)
4 in some cases, remarkably accurate - usually where estimate has left good
deal of extra time and money
8 generally inaccurate - tends to reinforce poor development practice
8. Test Management 149
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
Price-To-Win Estimation
· Price that will win a competitive bid, or release before competitor
8 typical to run out of time and money before project complete - software
compromised, long hours, frustration
· Estimation techniques have made it difficult for customers and developers to
differentiate between legitimate and price-to-win estimates
Top-Down Estimation
· An overall estimate is derived for the project, using above methods
· The overall estimate is split up amongst the various components of the project
4 Focuses at the system level and incorporates other hidden costs, e.g.
documentation, configuration management
8 Misses low level tasks likely to escalate costs
Bottom-Up Estimation
· Estimates are derived for lower-level components
· Costs are summed to achieve cost for entire project
· Complementary to top-down testing
· Requires development of a detailed work plan (Work Breakdown Structure)
4 Tends to focus just on the costs of the components, without hidden costs
4 More balance in many estimates (win some - lose some)
8 More effort required to complete estimate
8.3 Scheduling Activity
Define the tasks to be undertaken
· Define the inputs and outputs
· Define the techniques and tools to be used
Identify dependencies
· What predecessor tasks are to be complete prior to commencement
· Define the entry and exit criteria
8. Test Management 150
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
Identify resources required
· Who is responsible for coordinating the activity
· What other groups must participate
· Are any special skills and training required
· What quantity is required
· Are there limitations on availability
Identify critical paths through the schedule
· Mark tasks on critical path for careful monitoring as they may cause schedule
to slip
Analyse risks in schedule and propose contingencies
· Important to schedule with close synchronisation with developers
· Many development activities will impact the testing process
– Late delivery of design documentation will slow test case design
– Late delivery of code will delay test execution
Key scheduling objectives [KFN93a]:
· Provide predictability to the project manager
· Identify opportunities to pull in or protect the project schedule
· Be fair to your staff
· Maximise productivity
8. Test Management 151
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
8.4 Monitoring Progress
· estimate percent of tasks completed
· count number of predetermined milestones completed
You can determine average times for how long things take
· You can predict how long a task is likely to take
There is variations in how long the same task takes
· You can provide limits around your predictions
8.4.1 Test Measurements
Example measurements:
· Average number of cycles of testing
· Duration of the typical cycle of testing
· Bugs reported per tester-day
· Hours per test of a given type
· Average number of tests for a test plan of a given type
· Number of tests per bug
· Number of bugs per 1000 lines of code
· Number of tests executed
Careful records must be kept
Noise in the data
8.4.2 Alternative Approaches
Collect as much data as possible and then try to determine useful metrics
· Overwhelmed by data
· not enough time to collect data that might not be used
8. Test Management 152
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
Decide what you want to do with metrics and then collect the data to define the
· Goal, Question, Metric paradigm
Goal - define the ultimate purpose of the metric
Question - define what sort of metric questions would need to be answered
Metric - actual measurements and calculations that are made
8.4.3 Performance Metrics
Many managers plan to use metrics to assess individual tester performance:
· No of tests run
· No of bugs discovered, either high / low
Many of these figures are influenced by external factors, e.g. developers
· If the software is delivered late, little time is left to achieve optimum proficiency
and run tests and find a lare number of bugs
Can be influenced by testers
· A large number of insignificant bugs may be raised
8. Test Management 153
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
8.5 Allocating Resources
Allocate the majority of testing resources to those parts of the system that have
greatest risk
Allocate testing resources based on estimates of where most errors are likely to be
found, using
· lines of code, module size, function size
· complexity metrics (McCabe’s and Halstead’s metrics)
· analysis of modules where most errors have been founc
· emphasis on new modules and functions (not reused modules)
· designers knowledge of weakest part of the system
8. Test Management 154
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
8.6 Test Completion Criteria[KR23]
Any combination of some or all of the following:
· All black-box test cases run
· White-box test coverage targets met
· Rate of fault discovery goes below a target value
· Target percentage of all faults in the system are found
· Measured reliability of the system achieves its target value
· Test phase time and resources are exhausted
– Most common applied in real-world
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
Further Reading
[Bac95a] J. Bach, Test Automation Snake Oil, TBD
Presents a critical analysis of capture/playback style of test
automation. Presents a very negative view that would easily
(and perhaps unnecessarily) scare people off, but does present
some pitfalls to be avoided.
[BCS97a] British Computer Society Specialist Interest Group in Software Testing
(BCS SIGIST), Standard for Software Component Testing, Working
Draft 3.2, 6 Jan 1997.
Very useful reading defining a set of test design techniques
and associated coverage metrics. Also provides guidelines for
the applications of the techniques with small worked examples.
[Bei84a] B. Beizer, Software System Testing and Quality Assurance, Van
Nostrand Reinhold, 1984
One of Beizer’s earlier books. Provides lots of valuable
information. A recommended general testing reference.
Further Reading 156
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
[Bei95a] B. Beizer, Black-Box Testing, John Wiley & Sons, 1995
Provides comprehensive analysis of different techniques that
can be used for black-box testing. The book considers the
techniques at quite a technical level and presents a
mathematical basis for the way the techniques are applied. As
usual, Beizer’s books are quite well structured and this book is
quite useable as a technical reference book.
[Boe76a] B. W. Boehm, Software engineering, IEEE Transactions on Computer,
Dec 1976
[Boe81a] B. W. Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, Prentice-Hall, 1981.
[Bou97a] K. C. Bourne, Testing Client/Server Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
An excellent text that describes many facets of testing
client/server systems. Provides good overviews of commercial
testing tools that are used for varying kinds of testing that can
be applied. Also discussed many related issues, such as
testing SQL interfaces and security.
[Cho78a] T. S. Chow, Testing Software Design Modelled by Finite-State
Machines, IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-4, No.
3, May 1978.
[Col99a] R. Collard, Developing Test Cases from Use Cases,Software Testing
and Quality Engineering, Vol 1, Issue 4, July/August 1999
Quite valuable article describing a practical approach for
deriving test cases from use cases.
[Col97a] R. Collard, System Testing and Quality Assurance Techniques,
Course Notes, 1997
Most comprehensive course notes I’ve ever encountered. Very
thorough explanation of concepts, detailed examples and lots
of industry statistics.
[Hof99a] D. Hoffman, “Heuristic Test Oracles”, Software Testing and Quality
Engineering, March/April, 1999
Insightful summary of how test oracles can be used to calculate
the expected outcome of tests.
Further Reading 157
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
[IEEE83a] IEEE Standard, “Standard for Software Test Documentation”,
ANSI/IEEE Std 829-1983, August 1983
Industry standard the proposes the structure of test documents,
such as test plans, test design specifications, test cases, test
procedures and test logs.
[IEEE88a] IEEE Standard, Guide to Software Configuration Management,
ANSI/IEEE Std 1042-1987, March 1988
Describes the application of Configuration Management to the
management of software engineering projects.
[Kan93a] C. Kaner, J. Falk and H. Q. Nguyen, Testing Computer Software, 2nd
Ed., Int. Thomson Computer Press, 1993
Comprehensive guidelines on testing software systems.
Strong practical focus.
[Kan96a] C. Kaner, Software Negligence and testing Coverage, Nov. 1997.
Discusses legal aspects of what constitutes negligence and
how it relates to software testing and the use of coverage
metrics to measure completeness of testing.
[Kan96c] C. Kaner, Quality Cost Analysis: Benefits and Risks,
[Kan97a] C. Kaner, The Impossibility of Complete Testing,
Detailed explanation of why exhaustive testing is not possible.
Presented with concrete examples that can be used to
convince management.
[Lip82a] M. Lipow, Number of Faults per Line of Code, IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering, Vol 8, pgs 437 – 439, June, 1982
[Mar83a] J. Martin and C. McClure, Software Maintenance: The Problem and Its
Solutions, Prentice-Hall, 1983.
[Mye79a] G. Myers, The Art of Software Testing, John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 1979
Early classic text on software testing. Presents quite a few of
the black-box and white-box testing techniques.
Further Reading 158
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
[Per95a] W. E. Perry, Effective Methods for Software Testing, John Wiley &
Sons, 1995.
Comprehensive explanation of techniques that can be used for
system testing. Presents quite rigorous approaches to testing,
accompanied by many checklists and data that could be used
directly within projects.
[Pet95a] B. Pettichord, Success with Test Automation, BMC Software (unsure
of source - contact
Describes a number of principles for test automation based on
author’s experience at BMC software. Lots of practical
[QAQ95a] QA Quest, Newsletter of the Quality Assurance Institute, Nov, 1995.
[Ros96a] L. L. Rose, Getting the Most Out of an Automated Test Tool, Rational
Technical Paper
Presents some useful advice on how automated test tools can
be applied to different types of testing, e.g. unit testing, stress
testing, etc.
[Wal79a] T. J. Walsh, A software reliability study using a complexity measure,
Proc. of the 1979 National Computer Conference, Montvale, NJ,,
AFIPS Press, 1979.
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
Note: This index is still not quite complete, but I have included interim results for your
acceptance testing ............................... 29
alpha testing......................................... 30
backup/recovery testing........................ 30
beta testing .......................................... 30
black-box testing .................................. 27
controllability ........................................ 80
relative ............................................. 15
testing .............................................. 13
black box.......................................... 74
functional.......................................... 27
risk ................................................... 20
structural .......................................... 27
customer.............................................. 29
defect..............................................11, 18
cost .............................................. 4, 13
detection ............................................ 2
impact ................................................ 2
prevention .......................................... 2
zero.................................................... 4
development lifecycle
defect prevention.............................. 25
parallel testing .................................. 24
traditional ......................................... 24
V-model ........................................... 26
dynamic testing .................................... 27
error seeding........................................ 32
failure................................................... 18
formal inspections ................................ 27
functional requirements ........................ 27
functional testing .................................. 27
true .................................................. 75
IEEE Standards
test plan ........................................... 41
installation testing................................. 30
bottom-up......................................... 28
top-down .......................................... 28
integration testing................................. 28
interface testing.................................... 28
Further Reading 160
Practical Guide to Software System Testing K. J. Ross & Associates Pty. Ltd.
load testing .......................................... 29
module testing...................................... 28
mutation testing.................................... 32
negative test cases............................... 58
oracles ................................................. 75
consistent......................................... 75
heuristic ........................................... 77
sampling......................................75, 76
true .............................................75, 76
parallel testing...................................... 31
peer review .......................................... 27
performance testing.............................. 29
postcondition........................................ 56
precondition ......................................... 56
predictability......................................... 80
quality assurance ................................... 7
quality control......................................... 7
regression testing................................. 31
reliability testing.................................... 30
repeatability ......................................... 81
risk....................................................... 18
effort allocation................................. 20
matrix............................................... 18
prioritise ........................................... 18
project .............................................. 12
risk-based testing ................................. 18
security testing ..................................... 30
simulator .............................................. 81
static testing ......................................... 27
stress testing........................................ 29
structural testing................................... 27
syntax checkers ................................... 27
system testing ...................................... 29
activities ........................................... 39
driver................................................ 81
environments.................................... 80
factors .........................................34, 35
harness ............................................ 81
oracles ........................................75, 82
test plan .................................... 40–41, 40
test plan
IEEE Standards.................................41
test strategy cube..................................33
test teams
independent ....................................... 4
career ...............................................21
personality ........................................21
black-box ..........................................27
dynamic ............................................27
exhaustive.......................................... 8
functional ..........................................27
integration .........................................28
parallel ..............................................31
purpose.............................................. 7
regression .........................................31
security .............................................30
static .................................................27
strategy .............................................33
stress ................................................29
structural ...........................................27
system ..............................................29
transaction flow .................................59
white-box ..........................................27
trace matrix...........................................27
transaction flow .....................................59
transaction flow testing..........................59
type checkers........................................27
unit testing ............................................28
usability testing .....................................29
white-box testing ...................................27
Page: 1
[KR1] Check "relative cost per development stage" [Mar83a]
Page: 1
[KR2] Slides to be created
Page: 1
[KR3] Indicate that test strategy is documented in a variety of documents, e.g. test strategy,
master test plan, v & v plan. Provide examples, provide outline of structures. Identify what
things need to be identified, see scope from Compaq work. Provide template from Compaq
Page: 1
[KR4] Also check out US DoD 2167A or 498
Page: 1
[KR5] Update slides
Page: 1
[KR6] Include section on risk based testing
Here's my hot topic of the month. I am perplexed by the lack of useful information on what we
might call 'Risk-Based
Testing'. I've seen many references to this so-called discipline, but am disappointed by what
I've found in the books on
my shelf that give some space to risk. None of the old faithful testing books help me at all.
The books below give risk a
pretty good mention. Pretty good books, but even these don't help me as a tester.
These books are:
1. Managing Risk, Elaine Hall, Addison Wesley ISBN 0 201 25592 8
2. Principles of Software Engineering Management, Tom Gilb, Addison Wesley ISBN 0 201
19246 2
3. Computer Related Risks, Peter Neumann, ACM Press, ISBN 0 201 55805 X
4. Effective Methods for Software Testing, William Perry, John Wiley, ISBN 0 471 06097 6
5. Assessment and Control of Software Risks, Capers Jones, Yourdon Press, ISBN 0 13
741406 4
6. Against the Gods: the Remarkable Story of Risk, Peter L Bernstein, John Wiley
I found the last book to be the most interesting. but its not about software - never mind - I
learned something about
probability and the stock market...
Perry's book comes closest to describing a method for using risk to determine which tests to
I don't think anyone has adequately described the relationship between risk and testing, or
offered a sensible
methodology of using risk to assist in test strategy, specification or analysis.
Fact is, all that has been said by the most advanced practitioners is:
a. risks are bad.
b. testing reduces risk (allegedly)
c. we should test more (whatever that means) where the risk of failure (whatever that means)
is highest (whatever that
means) and vice versa (whatever that means).
Personally, I don't think this is a very difficult concept. It takes as long to learn it as say it.
What is the problem?
The first problem, is that INTUITIVELY, all testers do RBT (risk based testing) already. Given
this outline of RBT, any fool
can dream up things that could go wrong with software and brainstorm a list of 'hazards' and
then we translate them
Page: 1
[KR7] To define index
Page: 1
[KR8] To update slides
Page: 1
[KR9] Include in powerpoint
Page: 1
[KR10] To define index
Page: 1
[KR11] Provide sample of stubs and harnesses, etc.
Page: 1
[KR12] Insert into slide
Page: 1
[KR13] To define index
Page: 1
[KR14] To define index
Page: 1
[KR15] Review explanation of graphs
Page: 1
[KR16] Review section for repitition
Page: 1
[KR17] To define index
Page: 1
[KR18] Include info on load testing tools
Page: 1
[KR19] Refine list to include those covered by marick web pages
Page: 1
[KR20] To define index
Page: 1
[KR21] What are the number of testers to developers
Page: 1
[KR22] Include sample estimates of effort involved. Provide sample breakdown, e.g. provide
test plan. Indicate how times can vary depending on case
Page: 1
[KR23] Expand explanation of completion criteria. Define release criteria.
Page: 1
[KR24] Update index
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