Thursday, February 22, 2007

Interview Questions

Load Testing:
1.What criteria would you use to select Web transactions for
load testing?
2.For what purpose are virtual users created?
3.Why it is recommended to add verification checks to your
all your scenarios?
4.In what situation would you want to parameterize a
text verification check?
5.Why do you need to parameterize fields in your virtual user script?
6.What are the reasons why parameterization is necessary when
load testing the Web server and the database server?
7.How can data caching have a negative effect on load testing results?
8.What usually indicates that your virtual user script has
dynamic data that is dependent on you parameterized fields?
9.What are the benefits of creating multiple actions within
any virtual user script?

General questions:

1. What types of documents would you need for QA, QC, and Testing?
2. What did you include in a test plan?
3. Describe any bug you remember.
4. What is the purpose of the testing?
5. What do you like (not like) in this job?
6. What is quality assurance?
7. What is the difference between QA and testing?
8. How do you scope, organize, and execute a test project?
9. What is the role of QA in a development project?
10. What is the role of QA in a company that produces software?
11. Define quality for me as you understand it
12. Describe to me the difference between validation and verification.
13. Describe to me what you see as a process. Not a particular process, just the basics of having a process.
14. Describe to me when you would consider employing a failure mode and effect analysis.
15. Describe to me the Software Development Life Cycle as you would define it.
16. What are the properties of a good requirement?
17. How do you differentiate the roles of Quality Assurance Manager and Project Manager?
18. Tell me about any quality efforts you have overseen or implemented. Describe some of the challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
19. How do you deal with environments that are hostile to quality change efforts?
20. In general, how do you see automation fitting into the overall process of testing?
21. How do you promote the concept of phase containment and defect prevention?
22. If you come onboard, give me a general idea of what your first overall tasks will be as far as starting a quality effort.
23. What kinds of testing have you done?
24. Have you ever created a test plan?
25. Have you ever written test cases or did you just execute those written by others?
26. What did your base your test cases?
27. How do you determine what to test?
28. How do you decide when you have 'tested enough?'
29. How do you test if you have minimal or no documentation about the product?
30. Describe me to the basic elements you put in a defect report?
31. How do you perform regression testing?
32. At what stage of the life cycle does testing begin in your opinion?
33. How do you analyze your test results? What metrics do you try to provide?
34. Realising you won't be able to test everything - how do you decide what to test first?
35. Where do you get your expected results?
36. If automating - what is your process for determining what to automate and in what order?
37. In the past, I have been asked to verbally start mapping out a test plan for a common situation, such as an ATM. The interviewer might say, "Just thinking out loud, if you were tasked to test an ATM, what items might you test plan include?" These type questions are not meant to be answered conclusively, but it is a good way for the interviewer to see how you approach the task.
38. If you're given a program that will average student grades, what kinds of inputs would you use?
39. Tell me about the best bug you ever found.
40. What made you pick testing over another career?
41. What is the exact difference between Integration & System testing, give me examples with your project.
42. How did you go about testing a project?
43. When should testing start in a project? Why?
44. How do you go about testing a web application?
45. Difference between Black & White box testing
46. What is Configuration management? Tools used?
47. What do you plan to become after say 2-5yrs (Ex: QA Manager, Why?)
48. Would you like to work in a team or alone, why?
49. Give me 5 strong & weak points of yours
50. Why do you want to join our company?
51. When should testing be stopped?
52. What sort of things would you put down in a bug report?
53. Who in the company is responsible for Quality?
54. Who defines quality?
55. What is an equivalence class?
56. Is a "A fast database retrieval rate" a testable requirement?
57. Should we test every possible combination/scenario for a program?
58. What criteria do you use when determining when to automate a test or leave it manual?
59. When do you start developing your automation tests?
60. Discuss what test metrics you feel are important to publish an organization?
61. In case anybody cares, here are the questions that I will be asking:
62. Describe the role that QA plays in the software lifecycle.
63. What should Development require of QA?
64. What should QA require of Development?
65. How would you define a "bug?"
66. Give me an example of the best and worst experiences you've had with QA.
67. How does unit testing play a role in the development / software lifecycle?
68. Explain some techniques for developing software components with respect to testability.
69. Describe a past experience with implementing a test harness in the development of software.
70. Have you ever worked with QA in developing test tools? Explain the participation Development should have with QA in leveraging such test tools for QA use.
71. Give me some examples of how you have participated in Integration Testing.
72. How would you describe the involvement you have had with the bug-fix cycle between Development and QA?
72. What is unit testing?
73. Describe your personal software development process.
74. How do you know when your code has met specifications?
75. How do you know your code has met specifications when there are no specifications?
76. Describe your experiences with code analyzers.
77. How do you feel about cyclomatic complexity?
78. Who should test your code?
79. How do you survive chaos?
80. What processes/methodologies are you familiar with?
81. What type of documents would you need for QA/QC/Testing?
82. How can you use technology to solve problem?
83. What type of metrics would you use?
84. How to find that tools work well with your existing system?
85. What automated tools are you familiar with?
86. How well you work with a team?
87. How would you ensure 100% coverage of testing?
88. How would you build a test team?
89. What problem you have right now or in the past? How you solved it?
90. What you will do during the first day of job?
91. What would you like to do five years from now?
92. Tell me about the worst boss you've ever had.
93. What are your greatest weaknesses?
94. What are your strengths?
95. What is a successful product?
96. What do you like about Windows?
97. What is good code?
98. Who is Kent Beck, Dr Grace Hopper, Dennis Ritchie?
99. What are basic, core, practises for a QA specialist?
100. What do you like about QA?
101. What has not worked well in your previous QA experience and what would you change?
102. How you will begin to improve the QA process?
103. What is the difference between QA and QC?
104. What is UML and how to use it for testing?
105. What is CMM and CMMI? What is the difference?
106. What do you like about computers?
107. Do you have a favourite QA book? More than one? Which ones? And why.
108. What is the responsibility of programmers vs QA?
109. What are the properties of a good requirement?
110. How to do test if we have minimal or no documentation about the product?
111. What are all the basic elements in a defect report?
112. Is an "A fast database retrieval rate" a testable requirement?


1) what are the KPA'a in different CMM levels?
2) which SDLC you are following? explain it?
3) what is the diff. bet. Manual and Automated testing?
4) Whether Automation is replacement of Manual? how?
5) what are all the docs required for starting testing activites?
6) what is test plan?
7) what you considered in Reviewing the test cases?
8) what is Testing life cycle?
9) what is Defect tracking steps?
10) what abt severiaty and priority?
11) One example for Low severity and high priority ? vice verca?
12) How is your organization structure?
13) did you discuss with developers?
14) tell me one critical bug, one medium bug, one normal bug in the current application
15) tell me about different testing types?
16) what is Boundary Value Analysis? example
17) what is Equivalance partitioning? example
18) types of Joins? explain with example?
19) did u face any problems with developers?
20) when u can start testing?
21) what about SCM?

1) What is the Advantage of Automation? will it replacement of manual?
2) Tell me few Verification points in Rational and their usage? how many verification points is there?
3) How is Error-Recovery wil work on Rational?
4) How did you run scripts like through Robot or by creating a suit? whatis the difference?
5) what is shell scripting in robot? how it will work?
6) explain about Data Pool concept in Robot? how will u create?
7) how can u handle Exceptions in scripts?
8) tell me about some functions which you used in the past?
9) what is the scope of variable?
10) what about header files and library files and why those?
11) what is the syntax for declaring function in header files?
12) what is the different bet. function and procedure?
13) what is the frame work or approach to automate?
14) what is the use of Inspector?
15) where we can find results of different builds in rational tools?
16) what are the commands we have to work with database through robot?
17) what is the scripting language in robot?
18) how many recording modes are there?
19) what is the command to handle errors in sqabasic?
20) what is the command to prevent system generated message into the log?
21) what is the command to print user defined message into the log?
22) scenario1: i have one page with 4 objects. i have generated script for that page. and next build
i got same page with two more new objects...if i run the previous script will it work?
23) scenario2: i have the page having different states in a country...these are in combobox...
depends on selection of the combobox entry if i press 'Retrieve' button it will open
the corresponding state information with the window name as combobox can u handle this?


1) How many types of Files do we have in Robot?

2) On which command the execution start in Robot?

3) What are all athe default commands appear whenever you create a new Script?

4) what is the Script? what is the script structure?(initialization, script body, close)

5) what are the verification point commands?

6) what is the syntax for user action command?

ObjectType action, recMethod, Parameters

7) what is the syntax for verification point command?

result=ObjectTypeVP action, recMethod, parameters

8) what is the Recognition Method Order?---

9) what is the format for 'Window' command? why it is?

10) using Wild Cards in window concepts....(?-search in the beginning,*--search in the end)

11) how can you declare variabls and constants in Robot?

12) what is the scope of variables and where we can declare those variables?

13) how can you add functions into a script?

14) how can you declare a procedure or function which is residing in library source files?

15) what is the extension having compiled library source files?

16) what are the commands do we have in robot to display the messages?
---SQAConsoleWrite, SQALogMessage,SQAScriptcmdFailure

17) what is the diff. bet. 'StartBrowser' and 'StartApplication' commands?

18) what are the commands we can use to come out from a function and procedure?

19) what are all the looping statements we have robot? what are their syntaxes?

20) what is the label? what are the mandatory things to use labels in robot?

21) what are the different commands we have for clicking a push button on both web application and stand alone application?

22) what are decesion making statements we have in robot? what are their syntaxes?


Test Manager

1) What is the Work flow in Test Manger
2) what is test input?
3) what is Rational Test Data Store?
4) what is Virtual Tester?
5) what is a Suit? and what is the advantages using suit?
6) what is extension for datapool values and datapool column names and where these are stored?

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